View Full Version : Last Two Days.

05-08-2012, 07:23 PM
Well here's the story from the last two afternoons. There is a black church in one of the rough area's I patrol. Carl, the old man that goes with me ( I call him old because he's older than me) when I hunt, told me he went to church there when he was three years old. He's 73 now. It was a white neighborhood back then. Church been there since late 30's to early 40's. Anyway there is a field across the road from it where they park now. Carl said back in the day this is where they would have dinner on the grounds. Soooooo, I found out who the Pastor was, he gave me a name and number to one of the Elders. I got permission to hunt it. I worked it yesterday and today. There are houses on both sides of the church where those fine people We pay to sit home and drink beer all day live. They watched us yesterday afternoon. Today, one of them crossed the road and started our way. He asked, Hey, what you looking for? I didn't answer his question. I just said, You don't recognize me, do you? I have arrested this dude several times for public drunk. He finally figured out who I was, and asked how I was. I told him I'm going to be great as soon as you step back across the road, before someone comes along and arrest you for public drunk, feel me? Yes sir, yes sir. Hahaha, these idiots are so funny! Anyway, thats another story for another forum. Back to the hunt. NO SILVER! It wasnt long before we realized that over the years there was tons of fill dirt deposited on the site. Didn't find a whole lot.
Some clad, couple of bullets, two wheats. Found another Mississippi City Lines Trolley token. A famous faces of fact & fiction coin, 1981. Chief Choctaw on the back. From the Old Reliable Pleasure Club, New Orleans LA. A dog tag. And a bronze volly ball medal. Heres some pic's HH all.

Fire Fighter 43
05-08-2012, 10:08 PM
Nice digs Cody, those are some good looking medals and tokens.

05-09-2012, 04:51 AM
Cody, right at the start of your post I was thinking, what a great spot. Then you mentioned fill. At least you managed to get some items and you were able to direct that person back across the street to where he belonged. Nice tokens and tags

05-09-2012, 06:03 AM
any day you can get out is a good day looks like you scored on some tokens and medals always a good find next time the silver will show congrats on your finds dennis

05-09-2012, 08:25 AM
Great story and an even better hunt. |:cheering:

I love finding that off the wall stuff. Gives me a sense of actually being back in time.

Good Job Mon! |:cheering: