View Full Version : My review of the new Detech 13 ultimate coil

Fire Fighter 43
04-05-2012, 05:55 PM
I had about a five hour hunt with the new coil on Monday. Here is a link to the post on the hunt finds and video.


I first tried the coil in my coin garden and the results for depth were not as good as I was expecting. It was slightly better than the stock coil. I was able to run it a little hotter than the stock coil so I'm guessing that is why it seemed to hit better on the deep targets.
My first Impression in the field is that it is very stable at higher Manual sensitivity levels. I was able to up the level by 2-3 and keep it just as stable as the stock coil. As far as weight and balance it doesn't feel any different than the stock coil. I can not comment on the depth in the field because I did not find anything deeper than 8 inches. The second half of my hunt was in an area that is very trashy with the normal picnic ground trash. I did manage to find 6 wheats and a silver dime in the trash. I was very impressed with the separation abilities of such a large coil. I did have a hard time in pinpoint mode while in the trash, so I used the wiggle method to pinpoint and it worked great. When I was able to use the pinpoint mode it pinpointed just as good as the stock coil.
Over all I would give the coil a A+. If your loooking for more coverage per swing with slightly more depthand stability this would be the coil.

04-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Thank you Jeff for taking the time to share your thoughts on this coil. So far I consider our experiences to be identical. What is the mineralization strength of your soil like? I wonder if these results will vary in really good soil. I have note bothered to air test the 13 coil yet. Should be interesting to see how folks do with this coil. Thanks again.


Fire Fighter 43
04-05-2012, 09:54 PM
What is the mineralization strength of your soil like?

I'm not sure what it is. I've never measured it and I'm not sure how to do it.

04-06-2012, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the report. I got out as well today and used the coil. I was surprised by how well it did in the iron. I have to play with it more but you are right about pinpointing though it still surprised me there for a large coil.

Fire Fighter 43 - A lot of detectors (e.g. - T2, Omega and V3i - all of which I've owned in the past) give you a Ground Balance AND ground reading. It is a really nice feature and I wish the E-Trac did it as well. It would help us to understand our settings in relation to the ground, amongst other things.


04-13-2012, 08:53 AM
The coil sounds pretty nice. Can you tell me if anyone other than Kellyco carries it? I tried them but it's not in stock and they can't give me any idea of when they will receive them. Thanks.