View Full Version : Finally Out For A Hunt - Seated Silver In The Trash

03-06-2012, 07:44 PM
The short frozen winter days have gradually started giving in to the sun as it starts to climb higher and higher into the sky. With the longer days of the approaching spring, the ground here on the front range of Colorado has started to thaw. With the forecast for the weekend in the mid 60’s I planned for a full day of hunting. This plan included visiting a few old parks in a neighboring town that have treated me well in past hunts. I was going to focus on trashy areas that I had made notes on in earlier hunts. The detector of choice for this hunt would be the E-Trac with the stock coil. I was hoping that the E-Trac, and its uncanny ability to pull keepers from the trash would allow me to collect a little more Silver from these wonderful old parks. I have grown very fond of these two little parks over the years, as the past seems to hang heavy in the air, and I find myself lost in thoughts of that earlier simpler time. The beautiful surroundings combined with a few keepers always makes for a relaxing, and enjoyable hunt.
My hunt started in the center area of the park. Based on my research this area used to be the confluence of several paths that came in from the corners, and sides of the park. The old timers that I had visited with in the past also told me stories of a bandstand surrounded by grass in this center area. My hunts had confirmed this presence with lots of rusty nails, and some really nice Silver coin finds. The modern day trash was very heavy here as well. I had my work cut out for me. I started poking around, working potential targets from all angles, and digging anything that was half way promising in it's response. I dug deep and shallow coin hits, and after a few hours had accumulated a fair amount of clad along with two deeper Wheat Pennies. Along with the trash I was also combating EMI today as well . The obvious source was a new power box that ran some new lighting in the park. I used the noise cancellation feature on the E-Trac, and put it in Auto. That seemed to do the trick. I knew I was giving up depth, but today was not about depth. As I worked toward the base of a large old growth Cottonwood Tree the E-Trac gave me my first response that signaled Silver was waiting. I love that sound. The target hit lightly , and consistently from all angles, but jumped around just a bit, and gave a thunking sound as opposed to a tone about half the time. The other half of the time it was just the sweet sound of Silver. It pin pointed well, and the indication of depth was at 8 inches. I cut a deep plug, and soon the Garrett Pro pointer found home at the bottom center of the hole. I pulled a large chunk from the ground , and turned it over. I could see a Silver disk jutting out at an angle with most of one side exposed. It was worn smooth, but I could see a faint outline, and then my heart jumped at the realization of what I had unearthed...

SeatedQuarter.wmv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a7eVRu0kM0&list=PLB18BDB628365E0AE&index=1&feature =plcp#)

She is a badly worn Seated Quarter, but still a very welcome find. Not evident in the photos, but in the bright sun with a loop I could just make out the top of an 8 and a 7 in the date area. So 187X something is the date.



When I got home I did some high resolution scans after a warm sudsy water bath.



I spent another two hours hunting and pulled a few more Wheats, and then called it a day. What a great way to start the hunting season. I am looking forward to this weekend with great excitement. I know that that there is a lot of trash and deep iron to sort through, but I also know there a keeper or two. A Mercury Dime, a few Wheats, an Indian, and maybe... just maybe another special Silver coin.

Keep Swing'in

03-06-2012, 07:53 PM
worn or not that is a great find they dont come often no matter where you live good hunt dennis

03-06-2012, 08:13 PM
Congrats on the seated! Is it a quarter or a half?

Tony Two-Cent
03-06-2012, 09:27 PM
Terrific find, Jack! |:confused:)

It really makes you wonder, doesn't it? Who lost this coin, and what year was it dropped? If only coins could talk!

Congrats on starting the year of with just a great find! :clapping:

03-06-2012, 09:34 PM
Seated is seated is seated!!! Worn Quarter or not, Great old find. Happy Hunting and Congrats!!

03-06-2012, 10:20 PM
:wow: WTG! A seated quarter! Sweet! Congrats |:cheering:

03-07-2012, 08:15 AM
Very nice post Jack. Congrats on getting a seated quarter, worn or not.

03-07-2012, 10:14 AM
:omg: awesome find Jack wtg :perfect10:

03-07-2012, 05:55 PM
Even worn as it is it's a beauty! And a seated at that. Great hunt Jack. And a sweet find that will keep you smiling for awhile.


03-07-2012, 06:56 PM
very nice find,wtg.

03-07-2012, 08:59 PM
worn or not that is a great find they dont come often no matter where you live good hunt dennis

Thank you Dennis! Very good perspective. They don't come often, but when they do it sure makes a guy feel good.

Congrats on the seated! Is it a quarter or a half?

It is a Quarter. I am sorry for not being more clear about that. I made an edit to change that., and thank you Snap!

Terrific find, Jack! |:confused:)

It really makes you wonder, doesn't it? Who lost this coin, and what year was it dropped? If only coins could talk!

Congrats on starting the year of with just a great find! :clapping:

Thanks Tony. I spend a lot of time thinking about just that. I think they do talk, but speak very softly. :yes:

Seated is seated is seated!!! Worn Quarter or not, Great old find. Happy Hunting and Congrats!!

It is at that! I am still so excited. This find has given me a lot of pleasure, for which I am very thankful. What a great hobby we get to share with each other here on the forum.

:wow: WTG! A seated quarter! Sweet! Congrats |:cheering:

Sweet is a very good way to summarize the whole hunt. Nice to get out swing'in. Thank you Cody.

Very nice post Jack. Congrats on getting a seated quarter, worn or not.

I am a little worn myself these days Al. lol It's going to be a great year. Thank you.

:omg: awesome find Jack wtg :perfect10:

Hey Sarge! I want to take you to the same location for our hunt this weekend. How does Sunday sound?
Talk to you on the phone. I can't wait to see your hip mount V3i! Sounds very cool.

Even worn as it is it's a beauty! And a seated at that. Great hunt Jack. And a sweet find that will keep you smiling for awhile.


Thank you for the nice sentiment RaZR. It's good to smile. I can't seem to get the one I have right now to go away. lol Thank you!

very nice find,wtg.

Thanks JT. I am glad I finally have something to share. I appreciate the kind words.

03-07-2012, 10:12 PM
She's a beauty Jack. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
It definitely has lots of character. Just think of how many dollars of goods, services and debts this coin has paid for during it's life. :->

The Seated quarter is definitely on my list of things to find this year.
Congrats on yours. <:

03-08-2012, 09:17 AM
Congratulations on a terrific find Jack :happydance01: <: :perfect10:

I am still waiting to find my first seated quarter :crying02:

Excellent hunting -- that E-Trac and you get along very well! :clapping:

03-08-2012, 10:52 AM
I pulled a large chunk from the ground , and turned it over. I could see a Silver disk jutting out at an angle with most of one side exposed. It was worn smooth, but I could see a faint outline, and then my heart jumped at the realization of what I had unearthed...

I love to read the details of your hunts Jack- you are a fantastic writer :clapping:

I think the worn details add so much character. To just think about all of the food, shelter, clothing, toys, etc... that single quarter has helped people to acquire over the years :yes:

03-08-2012, 09:31 PM
Awesome find Jack! |:cheering: Love the photos too. She has a nice home now. :yes:

03-09-2012, 07:17 AM
Nice thumbsup01

03-09-2012, 06:49 PM
She's a beauty Jack. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
It definitely has lots of character. Just think of how many dollars of goods, services and debts this coin has paid for during it's life. :->

The Seated quarter is definitely on my list of things to find this year.
Congrats on yours. <:

Thanks Joe. It does have a story to tell I am sure. I am guessing from the amount of character it has, lol it was lost in the teens of the next century.

Congratulations on a terrific find Jack :happydance01: <: :perfect10:

I am still waiting to find my first seated quarter :crying02:

Excellent hunting -- that E-Trac and you get along very well! :clapping:

Thanks Angie! Yes, I am getting along really well with the E-Trac. This machine combined with Angel's hunting style is just deadly on coins. :cool:

I love to read the details of your hunts Jack- you are a fantastic writer :clapping:

I think the worn d[etails add so much character. To just think about all of the food, shelter, clothing, toys, etc... that single quarter has helped people to acquire over the years :yes:

That is a very nice complement Tana, Thank you very much. I get a bit sappy at times, but that's how I am I guess. ;) I love thinking about the history of my finds. I enjoy visiting with the old timers any chance I get. They always have great stories to tell.

Awesome find Jack! |:cheering: Love the photos too. She has a nice home now. :yes:

Yes, she has a special place in the finds display now. Thank you for sharing your technique here on the forum Angel. Your guidance has been invaluable. Remember, I want an autographed book. :poke:


03-09-2012, 07:33 PM
I love thinking about the history of my finds. I enjoy visiting with the old timers any chance I get. They always have great stories to tell.

I don't mean to smother you with compliments Jack :twirlingeyes: but I think you and a couple others on this site whom I've watched their vids ---need to make a &quot:grin:iggers show! I still haven't seen it, but from what I've heard and read on here, we need more knowledge and skill balanced with passion for the history and chats w/oldtimers. I wonder if Chicago Ron will follow through and save our reputation. Very curious about the upcoming American Diggers show also.

Fire Fighter 43
03-10-2012, 08:48 AM
Congrats on the Quarter, that's a :perfect10: in my book. WTG Jack