View Full Version : It's all Cybersage's fault! I'm hooked on sidewalk strips!

01-15-2012, 11:03 PM
My last couple of weeks i've hunted sidewalk strips almost exclusively. In 2weeks, ive dug a LC, a Barber Half, and a lot of clad.
Well this morning my hometown hunting buddy and I hit an old school built in the 1880's, only to figure out quickly it had fill dirt everywhere. BUT...he did manage to pull a 18:eyebrow: V nickel from a ..you guessed it..sidewalk . it was real shallow probably due to the disturbed soil from some water line work.
We then moved to another old section of town, and hit some sidewalks in front of old buildings, empty lots, and a closed lawyer's office. I had a shallow quarter signal on the edge of a driveway , with old broken brick in the dirt next to the concrete drive. I used my probe to pop it out of about an inch of dirt, and was shocked to see the 1948 silver quarter pop out of the hole. :shocked03:
About 20 feet further down the strip, another shallow quarter signal shows up..and its reading shallow also. I cut the plug, filpped it back and the pinpointer tells me its right under the dirt. I rub the spot with the pinpointer and see a silver rim of a coin on edge. Wow another one!! Yep, a 44 washington this time. Along with the 2 silvers, i picked up 5 wheaties and about a buck in clad on that short strip. I will be back there soon!
Thanks for looking and HH!! all.

01-15-2012, 11:06 PM
Very nice finds :perfect10: Congrats on the silver. I hope to get out tomorrow. I've done my silver dance!

01-15-2012, 11:13 PM
I have tried the sidewalk strips at the park where I found that thimble and so far I have only gotten pulltabs lol

Congrats on the finds, I will have to keep trying!

01-16-2012, 09:32 AM
No don't be blaming Jack for all those great finds. You were the one that read the article. Way to go getting 2 washingtons and some wheats. A couple of years ago I took a friend of mine on a hunt just doing sidewalk strips and he gets a WLH.

01-16-2012, 09:37 AM
No don't be blaming Jack for all those great finds. You were the one that read the article. Way to go getting 2 washingtons and some wheats. A couple of years ago I took a friend of mine on a hunt just doing sidewalk strips and he gets a WLH.

thats good stuff man! in the last 3 months or so i've found a walker and a barber half, a LC, and 4 or 5 silver washingtons. Also 2 rosies and a merc if memory serves me right. and a TON of clad. good for batteries :cheesysmile: .
thanks for all the comments everyone! still waiting for Jack to chime in lol

01-16-2012, 10:33 AM
:perfect10:!! Congrats on the silver finds. |:cheering: Now me. :frozen:I'm frozen up now. So the sidewalks will have to wait. WTG!!

Cheap Thrills
01-16-2012, 12:05 PM
Very nice going !! |:cheering: Sidewalk strips can be very lucrative when you can get on one . :yes:

01-18-2012, 09:31 AM
Very Nice! The strips are a great place to hunt for sure. :perfect10:

01-18-2012, 01:18 PM
Сool coins and pictures :clapping: :perfect10:

01-18-2012, 02:56 PM
Dang, it's frozen here you big tease. Great silver!!! WTG!!!!

Ill Digger
01-18-2012, 02:59 PM
Dang, it's frozen here you big tease. Great silver!!! WTG!!!!
<} Right? :envious: crying01 lol

Well there's alot worse things you could be addicted to. :yes: lol But this is a good addiction :drool: lol
I love hunting those old parkways too! thumbsup01
I've made many good finds there <: Never a Barber half or a LC though :rolleyes: :envious: lol
But you never know what someone, walking down that walkway, once dropped.... :daydream:
Great finds and pictures too thumbsup01
Congrats!! :grin:

01-18-2012, 03:04 PM
Very nice Hook! :clapping:

01-18-2012, 04:22 PM
Those strips can be GREAT! Last year I actually got a 1 reale in one! It's the places that no one else thinks about or is embarrassed to be seen doing :embarrassed:. But I'm a crazy man :twirlingeyes: