View Full Version : Three VERY cold visits to a farm field- some well earned rewards!!!

01-08-2012, 11:39 AM
So, in late December, thanks to some very generous members of my detecting club, I was allowed to detect on a fairly old farm field. I believe it was roughly 40 acres. Outside of the normal reasons why we all metal detect, I was specifically hoping to find a thimble. It seems like in every post I see from farm fields there's at least one crusty old copper thimble. My reasons for wanting a thimble, it's an item required for a club sponsered scavenger hunt. Each year my club hosts a four level scavenger hunt. Each level you need to find 12 of 13 items. If you do you get a prize in the form of a silver coin. Each level is progressively harder. This year I had completed the first three levels, for the fourth, yep you guessed it, I still needed a thimble among the few items left I needed to find.

So, that being said, I believe the temperature outside in each of the three visits I made to this farm field was 27, 34, and 23. It was certainly some of the more extreme detecting I have participated in.

The first visit yielded some nice buttons, the second was my very first 3 cent piece, and the third visit I lucked out and found a thimble!! Ten feet away I also picked up my first fattie IH, the first year no less! This was on December 29th, I only had until the 31st to complete any levels!

So the success of this hunt had me needing only 1 more item to complete Level 4 in the scavenger hunt. It left me needing one of the following, a cross/crucifix, a piece of platinum jewelry, or a piece of gold jewelry with stones of 2 or more colors. Not the easiest things to find with only two days left in the year. Should I find them I'd receive a silver half for Level 4, and a silver dollar for completing all 4 levels!

For now I'll leave you with pics of the cool things I found in this field and let you know I did go out on Dec 31st, but you'll have to wait for another post to see how I did and if I made level 4!


01-08-2012, 04:14 PM
Awesome finds! Congrats on all of that great stuff! Hope you get to go back to that field some more.

01-08-2012, 05:06 PM
Sweet finds. Congrats!

01-08-2012, 09:00 PM
Hunting old farms is an awesome experience! Congrats on those great finds |:cheering:

Ill Digger
01-08-2012, 09:11 PM
some well earned rewards!!! indeed!! :shocked04: |:confused:)
You made some great finds!! Defiantly well deserved!!
I love the three center and the Fatty IH!! Two very hard to find coins!
Congrats! :grin:
I'll have to wait and see how you fared for your year end total :yes: :->

01-09-2012, 09:00 AM
Congrats on making level 3, but no kudos for making us wait to see if you made level 4. You must be torn over finding a 3 center and then the thimble. I also am still looking for my first thimble, and 3 center.

01-09-2012, 10:03 AM
nice finds,very good hunt,wtg.

01-09-2012, 11:33 AM
No doubt that was a fun hunt. You picked up a nice variety of finds too. The trime is sweet! Love the detailed photos by the way.

01-09-2012, 12:28 PM
Thanks all, I did forget to mention that I had to dig just about every signal that was not iron. I probably dug about a case worth of can slaw!

Hope to get the Dec 31st hunt up shortly.

01-09-2012, 12:32 PM
I see AREA 51 paid off... rofl

Those are some great finds :clapping:

Tony Two-Cent
01-09-2012, 09:41 PM
I love the three center and the Fatty IH!! Two very hard to find coins!

I agree with Tim, it's neat that you found the thimble, but the three-cent silver and the 1859 Fatty would have made me forget all about the levels! Holy cow those are some great coins! |:confused:)

You found a lot of very interesting old relics too! Congrats all around! :clapping: