View Full Version : walker today with my wife

01-07-2012, 01:45 PM
63 degrees here in Chester County PA today <: if you can believe it. My wife tagged along on this morning's hunt, she had never tagged along before except on the beach, but I told her you have to see the sight of silver in the hole -- its just the most fun aspect of this hobby. (It was cool as she could follow along -- she could still hear the machine despite my headphones, and watch the screen. It was fun telling her what the target was before digging, and being right most of the time happydance02).

Fortunately we got a couple silvers, the walker was first :happydance01:), I wasn't so sure it was a big silver before digging, I said big silver or pipe fitting, but prolly a pipe fitting, but it sounded real sweet, and when we opened the plug and could see the edge sticking out of the dirt, I said this could be a good one, and sure enough it was :shocked03:.

45 minutes later I hit one and said 80% chance silver dime, and sure enough it was a merc sticking out of the dirt happydance02 and we called it a day about an hour after that. She is definitely hooked on the silver thing, but I don't think she wants to get her own machine, at least not now (and I ain't sharing my sites and my silver with her anyway >8) :poke: lol).

But all and all it was a very fun morning. HH everyone.

Cheap Thrills
01-07-2012, 03:49 PM
Awesome hunt Randy . You realize of course that if your wife wants her own machine and you don't do it that could be seen as cruel and unusual punishment . :yes: lol

01-07-2012, 05:18 PM
Sweet Walker! Congrats. HH

01-07-2012, 06:24 PM
Nice finds Randy, Congrats on the walker and merc :peace:

Tony Two-Cent
01-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Very nice finds, Randy! :clapping:

Beautiful walker and early Merc! I'm glad that were able to enjoy this nice weather with your wife along. Maybe she's your good luck charm! thumbsup01

01-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Awesome Half!! |:cheering: Maybe you better bring your wife the next time you go.

01-07-2012, 07:40 PM
Randy, nice hunting. really nice that your wife got to go along with you. I'll be willing to bet that if your wife wanted to go detecting by herself, you would share a spot with her.

01-07-2012, 08:42 PM
Great post Randy. :clapping: Sounds like you and she had a great day out together.
Hard to believe you guys were in the 60's today. :shocked04:

Congrats on pulling another WLH. <: Oh how I love those coins. :smitten:

Well done. thumbsup01

01-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Beautifuls silvers Randy!!! :perfect10: |:cheering: :shocked04:

I think it's great to have a spouse who shares the hobby, or at least is interested enough to be engaged :yes:

01-07-2012, 09:53 PM
Sweet big silver! Sweet little silver too! And nice that you could find some great stuff while the wife was along. Now she knows why you act like a little kid when you see that silver rim in the dirt. Global warming can be a good thing! lol

01-07-2012, 09:55 PM
Be careful Randy, or you may end up having to beg for your detector back. lol With temperatures in the 60's during this time of the year how can one not take advantage. And it paid off too. Congrats on the silver. thumbsup01

01-07-2012, 10:03 PM
Nice score on the half, sounds like a good time and great weather!