View Full Version : First 2012 Silver and Gold (class ring)

Cheap Thrills
01-05-2012, 01:15 AM
I wasn't even going to go out today but I pushed myself to go out for a 2hr. end of the day hunt .I put the 11 DD back on the T2 and the pooch and I headed out for a bit of fetch and dig at an old Baseball field behind a School that is one of my last resort places . At first all I could dig up was iffy garbage like tabs , broken off beaver tails and a couple of shoestring eyelets . Things started looking up when I found my first Wheatie of the year (a victim of an angry lawn mower). Then I got a 40 FOIL reading that had a nice rich tone I had never heard before , it was very constant and not jumpy .I dug down about 1+1/2and saw the nice looking silver rope chain tangled in the root system and was really surprised to see a nice ring on it . I thought hmmm ..... nice looking ring with stones ! and put it in the pouch .
I ended up digging up four nickels and a Hartford Insurance Company 1950's Junior Fire Marshall's ring and then the Pooch and I headed for home .
Upon getting home I commenced to rinse off my finds . My son was checking out the ring and chain and he said Hey Dad , this is a Class ring and it's engraved with a name on the inside and out . Turned out it was from one of the local High schools . Using the Phone book and the internet my Daughter in law and I found the young lady who lost the ring .
We sent a message with my phone number . Within an hour my phone rang and I spoke to both Serena and Jeff (her Dad) . After we were all convinced we all were who we said we were lol . I said you can pick it up when you want and if you want to do it now I'll be up for a few hours .
They lived close by and said they would be right over . Very shortly thereafter they arrived . When I handed them the ring and chain they were overjoyed to say the least .Jeff handed me a very nice bottle of wine ( and being a Wino I very gladly accepted it) . :peace: <:
Turns out the ring was White Gold and the stones were the real deal . It cost them $400 . It turns out they were just going to be re-ordering another one from Josten's within the next few days ( a replacement costs $200 bucks , cheaper but still a lot of Clam$ ) . I don't think it's going to show up in the pictures but when the light hits it the big stone is a beautiful red and it is flanked by 2 Diamond chips on each side .
Jeff mentioned they had lost it during a baseball game in April and had given up hope on it . Just before the game all players were told to take off their jewelry and put it in a safe place . Serena handed it to her Dad to put in a Knapsack and apparently during that action is when it got lost ( just like one of us missing our finds pouch) .
I asked them If I could take a picture of them for bragging rights because this returning stuff to it's owners
is a big deal to us detector guys . Jeff said Of course , most assuredly and if you ever have someone that doesn't believe you , you have them call my house !! We all had a big laugh over that one . They were both thrilled and Serena couldn't believe the ring was in such good shape , still on the silver chain and that she will be wearing it on her upcoming graduation .
I've returned a few rings over the years but I think this was the one I enjoyed most of all . :yes:


I see I missed getting a bit of the dirt off the front of the stone . Oh well , nobody is perfect .

Ill Digger
01-05-2012, 01:34 AM
Whoa!! :shocked04: Thats a beautiful ring!! :yes:
And a beautiful story! |:confused:) I can't believe how fast it all went down! :shocked01:
It sounds like mom and dad are very grateful for that return! :yes: lol
Nice work Sheik! :yes: thumbsup01 :clapping:
Enjoy that bottle of wine! :beerbuddy: ....... :thinkingabout: they could've brought a steak too! :huh:........... just kiddin' :poke: lol
Congrats! :grin:

Cheap Thrills
01-05-2012, 01:43 AM
Thanks Timmy ,
A way different experience than from the last hunt I posted . lol
I will enjoy that nice bottle of wine that brand isn't cheap . :beerbuddy:


Ill Digger
01-05-2012, 01:55 AM
Thanks Timmy ,
A way different experience than from the last hunt I posted . lol
Thats way better than two cents! :yes: lol
It seems like it's feast or famine sometimes don't it! :dontknow: lol
Congrats again! You deserve it! :clapping:

Cheap Thrills
01-05-2012, 02:10 AM
Thats way better than two cents! :yes: lol
It seems like it's feast or famine sometimes don't it! :dontknow: lol
Congrats again! You deserve it! :clapping:

Dude , it was 10 cents !!! Those were two Nickels , don't short change me here !!! rofl
Your right about the feast and famine part . :yes:

Thanks again and Goodnight . :sleepy:


01-05-2012, 03:45 AM
great great story Sheik , i must commend you sir |:confused:) |:confused:) what are the odds of finding a 2012 class ring on that same year , i think its a sign your going to have a very decent year . congrats on the find , doing the right thing and making a young lady and her father very happy . :perfect10: :perfect10: hey you got give us your full opinion on the wine too.


01-05-2012, 04:11 AM
Fantastic story! |:cheering: I too know how it feels to return a valuble ring. Nothing like it. Congrats on all your finds. HH

01-05-2012, 06:43 AM
Sweet story :perfect10: I'm glad you were able to return it.

01-05-2012, 07:54 AM
WTG Sheik, great story and PR for the hobby. Found and returned in one day, fantastic. Serena sure is smiling and I'm pretty sure that is a look of relief on Dad's face. Again congrats on doing the right thing.

Ill Digger
01-05-2012, 09:12 AM
Dude , it was 10 cents !!! Those were two Nickels , don't short change me here !!! rofl
8/ Dooh! I went back a looked.....sorry :embarrassed: lol
:dontknow: Well it's way better than 10 cents too. rofl

01-05-2012, 09:41 AM
You make MD'ers proud to recover and return ring. Thanks for posting the story. May 2012 bring to you many more great finds and happy days. With that bottle of wine, I know at least one more happy day is to come.

Jason in Enid
01-05-2012, 10:20 AM
Great job on the ring return!

That Wheatie wasn't a lawnmower victim. Someone clipped it for some wierd reason. I have a silver dime like that, except I found one of the clipped pieces too.

01-05-2012, 11:44 AM
Well, I simply don't believe the part about the ring but congrats in the wheat and the other stuff! :grin:

01-05-2012, 12:06 PM
Congrats on the find and return! :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:

01-05-2012, 08:43 PM
Wine??!!? Somebody say WINE?? :teasing:

Good job on the return buddy! :clapping:

01-05-2012, 10:34 PM
Fantastic post Sheik. <: <: <: Loved it. :smitten:

Definitely a cool story from start to finish. Well done and a big pat on the back for you. You made her year. :yes:

Congratulations and thanks for representing our hobby with your kind gesture. :)

01-05-2012, 10:47 PM
What a story!! You will be rewarded for the good deed Sheik! |:confused:) :clapping: :perfect10:

Cheap Thrills
01-06-2012, 12:28 PM
A hearfelt thanks to all who have taken the time to view this post and make nice comments and I hope 2012 is a year of great discoveries for you , both on and off the detecting fields . thumbsup01


01-12-2012, 07:11 PM
now that's what it's all about, great job!

01-12-2012, 10:51 PM
:perfect10: :perfect10:! Great find! And even better story to go along with it. I'm sure she was thrilled to get this ring back. Very nice! And good for you :groovy: |:cheering: For returning the ring to it's ritefull owner. It's stories like this. That restores my faith in humanity.