View Full Version : November/December - Part 2

01-03-2012, 05:55 PM
A nicer silver ring than the previous one. The stone is a really nice color which is not too obvious in the picture. Found this on an old baseball diamond located in the weirdest place.


A beat up Rosie from a very old and very well hunted common.

[attachimg=2] [attachimg=3]

A school bell from a school soccer field that yielded a little bit of clad …


… but as I was leaving, I noticed a small patch of grass next to a fence. My first target was a silver Rosie. My second target was a silver quarter. Suddenly visions of a Randy hunt was rushing through my head. Unfortunately everything else was clad but a really good amount far greater than the adjacent soccer field.

[attachimg=5] [attachimg=6]

Also five nice wheats which look like they’re from the same time period.

[attachimg=7] [attachimg=8]

And lastly, one day on the way home from the nursing home, there was only about 75 minutes of daylight left, I needed some air and I also wanted to see how frozen the ground was so I stopped at an area containing several ball parks. I had hunted here a couple of times before and found a decent amount of clad. This time I found a bit of clad and then dug up a silver coin. At first I was surprised to even see a silver, then my excitement rose as I thought it might be a mercury but when I finally saw what is was, the excito-meter just pegged off the scale. I can’t even imagine what this coin was doing in that location but this was one of my really better short hunts.

[attachimg=9] [attachimg=10]

Thanks for looking and I wish everyone the best for the new year.

01-03-2012, 06:04 PM
Sweet Barber and I'm glad you're feeling better. The Rosie looks to sheading a tear :grin:

01-03-2012, 06:26 PM
nice silver and wheat finds,wtg.

01-03-2012, 06:51 PM
Way nicer ring than post #1. Finding that Barber must have gotten the old heart to beating, very nice find. Congrats on the rosie and the wash and a nice pile of wheats. I take it the grjound was not frozen LOL

01-03-2012, 07:26 PM
Very nice finds. Congrats. Keep it coming!

Tony Two-Cent
01-03-2012, 07:54 PM
Congrats on the silvers, especially the Barber Dime! I bet that was a very nice surprise! thumbsup01

01-03-2012, 08:07 PM
Great digs! The story of the Barber is a good one... on a few occasions I've been in a bad way and have turned to some time in the dirt for relief. It's amazing was a nice find at a time like that will do. Very medicinal!

I'm looking forward to a post of your totals for your first year. I'm sure you'll do even better next year, although it will chap my ass a bit if my old man finds more silver than me (and I suspect you might)! lol

01-05-2012, 01:54 PM
Thanks everyone for taking the time to post your comments.

Congrats on the silvers, especially the Barber Dime! I bet that was a very nice surprise! thumbsup01

Finding a Barber is always exciting but to find one in a totally unexpected area just raises the adrenaline to a whole new lever.

Great digs! The story of the Barber is a good one... on a few occasions I've been in a bad way and have turned to some time in the dirt for relief. It's amazing was a nice find at a time like that will do. Very medicinal!

I'm looking forward to a post of your totals for your first year. I'm sure you'll do even better next year, although it will chap my ass a bit if my old man finds more silver than me (and I suspect you might)! lol

Thank you Z for getting me hooked into this ridiculous hobby and for always letting me bend your ear about my rotten hunts. I don't know what the future holds but I doubt I'll surpass your detecting ability.

I'll post my 2011 summary as soon as I can find a bit of time to organize and clean it a bit.