View Full Version : final 2011 hunts, barber, musket balls, 516 silver year summary

01-01-2012, 01:11 PM
Friday I got out for 5 hours, and pulled one more barber dime happydance02, which would be my final and 516th silver coin <: for 2011. Saturday I spent a good long time at a 1700s field which in 3 previous hunts, has only given up one old coin, an 1800 Spanish silver, and a handful of old relics including an old silver ring. The odds of pulling an old coin from this site are low, but I wanted to end the season with a big fish.

It didn't happen, tho I did pull 6 what appear to be musket balls :crazy:. They TID as lead, and are the right size, from the right sort of site, and are similar to ones I've pulled before; I'm just suspicious of some of the deformities and the fact that I found so many, so I'm not so sure. Just not sure what else they might be.

Well, the season was a dream season I don't think I'll ever come close to repeating as the honeyholes get depleted, and become harder and harder to find. But it was certainly a blast, aided by the luck of warm weather into the winter (which simply pulled the numbers in from 2012 to 2011, to be honest). Below the recent finds are the yearend pics, now in a safe deposit box for my son and hopefully his children.

And here's to a fun and successful 2012 season for everyone :beerbuddy: Thanks for looking and HH.

Nitro 54
01-01-2012, 01:21 PM
:omg: :wow: Nice pile of silver thumbsup01 :cheering:

01-01-2012, 02:25 PM
|:cheering: that is beyond unfreaking believable . holy balue :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:. the words escape me . wow :perfect10: :perfect10: :perfect10:

01-01-2012, 02:36 PM
Oh man that pic is something else. What am I doing wrong? lol Randy, I need you to head up my way some time... I want to see if you can pull silver like that from my neck of the woods. Congrats on a fantastic year.

01-01-2012, 03:20 PM
:perfect10: What a great season Randy!!! Nice to see them all lined up in a row and in the big ole pile of silver, an impressive one at that! Wish you all the best in your quest for more silver in 2012!

01-01-2012, 04:04 PM

I hope you'll post a pic of all your non-coin silver too..

01-01-2012, 04:19 PM

I hope you'll post a pic of all your non-coin silver too..

This isn't all of it (I sent some in to be melted). I found 47 silver blings and 2 gold blings this season.

01-01-2012, 04:35 PM
wow nice year! :daydream:

01-01-2012, 05:06 PM
Excellent last hunt and an absolutely fantastic year! I just love the photo of the silver pile :perfect10: :perfect10: :perfect10:

01-01-2012, 05:11 PM
This isn't all of it (I sent some in to be melted). I found 47 silver blings and 2 gold blings this season.

Nice! Call me pleased that I'm at least in the ballpark with your non coin silver finds (45 pieces for me). I like finding silver rings and whatnot sometimes as much as coins. I have yet to send any in for melt though. Maybe someday. Thanks for the pic!

01-02-2012, 12:03 AM
:shocked04: :shocked04: :shocked04: I absolutely love the shot of your pile of silver from this year. :smitten:
You have really mastered interpreting what the machine is telling you. Your hunts prove it.

I can't imagine how thrilled I would be pulling 11 half dollars in one year... not to mention all of those SLQ's as well. :daydream:
Congratulations on a fantastic year Randy. Your posts made for some great reading this year. Thanks.

which simply pulled the numbers in from 2012 to 2011, to be honest)

lol When I pulled my last silver coin the other day, I shut off the machine and figured I'd 'leave' the rest for next year. :yes: lol

dave in iowa
01-02-2012, 12:13 AM
What a hall, wow , great year , may you have a better one this year

01-02-2012, 01:03 PM
Randy, great that you got 1 more silver and the picture of all the silver is amazing. You had a fantastic year and I really liked reading your posts. Hope 2012 is as kind to everybody.