View Full Version : Barber and Mercs

11-05-2011, 08:07 PM
Hi everyone :) It's been awhile since I was able to get out detecting, but did so this afternoon for a couple of hours. Went to a park that has been well-hunted but is large, and I hoped would hold some potential for silver. Wasn't able to find any last time there, though.

It was a beautiful day, but my E-Trac (which has been acting up the last few times out) was not cooperating. It would be fine for awhile, then it would just freak out... constant tones all over the place and the coil was doing nothing. It happened randomly but also, always, every time I dug and switched the coil to the SunRay probe.

After about an hour of this I was beyond frustrated and I put the E-Trac down on the ground and started yelling at it. :cheesysmile: :embarrassed: Just venting, I guess. Well, two things happened. The first was that two guys who were detecting on the other side of the field (I hadn't seen them until this point) came over to ask if they could help. The second thing was, the E-Trac suddenly started working for most of the time (until the very last part of the hunt, when it did the same thing again).

At the end of the hunt I had made two news friends, Jeff and Mark, who use the E-Trac and a Fisher machine, respectively. Jeff thought that my frustration was due to being new to the E-Trac so he decided to help me learn the machine. lol

Anyway, long story short, I ended up finding two mercs, one toasted Indian Head, and a 1912D barber dime at about 11 inches. I was very happy with the barber dime, as this park wasn't established until the late 1930's.

My original intention, actually, was to focus on mid-tones and to find gold. I have found two gold rings at this park. There are tons of mid-tones at around 4-5 inches. Here is half of the pulltabs that I dug today. Not lucky enough to get a gold ring this time around, but I know they are there.


Here is the barber in the hole.


Here is one of the mercs just after digging.


Here are the coins. They are in worse condition than I am used to finding them in around here, especially the barber unfortunately as the dark doesn't wash off so apparently it is discoloration.


11-05-2011, 08:12 PM
Great hunt! Nice old silver, good luck with the machine and finding more gold!

11-05-2011, 08:19 PM
Wow that's a boatload of pulltabs :shocked03:. No doubt there's gold to be found at that site. Nice deep silver as well :happydance01: but best of all was just being able to get out on such a nice day :perfect10:

Fire Fighter 43
11-05-2011, 09:03 PM
You deserve a gold ring after digging that many pull tabs, LOL. Congrats on your nice finds.

Tony Two-Cent
11-05-2011, 09:54 PM
Very nice hunt, Angie! It's good to see you posting finds again! thumbsup01

A Barber Dime, 2 Mercs and an Indian Head is a terrific hunt if you ask me! Eleven inches is really deep, when your E-Trac is working it's working well! If you have to send your machine to the doctor I hope they can fix it up good as new with no hassle.

Congrats on the sweet finds! :clapping:

11-05-2011, 10:01 PM
lol lol Angie i can just see you yelling and telling that machine off >:/ lol lol i'm so glad it listened atleast for a little bit so you could pull some goodies out ground . ;) its nice to see you get out for some detecting :cheering: :cheering:

Cheap Thrills
11-06-2011, 12:14 AM
Nice going on the silver Angie !! :perfect10: |:cheering:
Sounds like a short at the coil/probe switch on your Sunray, is it still under warranty?

11-06-2011, 06:40 AM
Putting it on the ground and yelling at it :rolleyes: I'll have to try that someday :grin: Good digs Angie! I'm glad you got out for some relaxation.

11-06-2011, 11:15 AM
Way to go Angie. Sorry to hear the E-Trac was being temperamental. But any
day that ends in a Barber, two Mercs and an IH is pretty good in my book. :clapping:
Eleven inches is an incredible depth to pull a dime out. :shocked04:
Congratulations on the silver and IH.

11-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Perhaps it's time for the E-Trac to get a checkup. :thinkingabout: You did well despite its 'tantrum' - and yours. lol Love the Barber dime. :yes:

mike l
11-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Nice silver finds :happydance01:, too bad we have to dig all those pull tabs to get the gold!

11-06-2011, 07:04 PM
Yes, your picture looks really familiar. I have also started to dig the low tones and so far a zillion pull tabs and a half-quadrillion pieces of foil lol

Congrats on a really awesome variety of coins :drool:
If you can't find gold, they make a super second best in show. happydance02

11-06-2011, 07:31 PM
Superb! :wow:

11-06-2011, 07:47 PM
I would lend you my Safari! I wish I have some detector buddy close by. Anyway, Nice bunch of silver coins. Funny thing is, I don't care about the gold or silver rings. and when I come across them, I just hand them over to my annoying-half, Oh I mean my significant other half. lol

11-06-2011, 07:50 PM
Thanks everyone :)

Sheik: I too think it must be something to do with the Sun Ray probe. I've had it for almost 3 years, so I am on my own for replacing it. :-\ :crying02:

I can't believe I dug that many pulltabs and found no gold :crying02: Last time I was there, I found two gold rings and only dug a few pulltabs. :confused:

The barber dime was a surprise at that location. So was the IH, equally old, more so than the park, found at about the same spot, so I will go back and grid that area.

The barber was almost impossible to hear and isolate. My coil was barely moving or I never would have heard it. The numbers were all over the place, but the tone was (mostly) good. Still, even after recovering it, the CO number never came in above 44. It ranged from 12-42 to 12-44 and mostly on the lower end of that.

11-06-2011, 08:10 PM
Those are some great digs! I have all sorts of trouble with the Etrac and I'm not using a probe. There are many places where I just can't seem to run in manual without non stop falsing and noise. I can't tell if it is the machine or me. At any rate you sure did well one way or the other. Congrats!

11-06-2011, 09:40 PM
Great job and happy hunting! I really like seeing silver pics after it has been dug!

Ill Digger
11-07-2011, 12:08 PM
Oh yeah!......:yes:....You still got it! thumbsup01
:shocked04: 11 inches! Thats gettin' down there! thumbsup01
Great hunt Angie!
It's good to see you gettin' out there!
Love the Mercs and IH too ! thumbsup01 :smitten:
Congrats :grin:
Good thing you had someone there to show you how to use your machine. ;) :poke: lol
I see a trip to Minelab in the future for your E-Trac 8/ :(
But she'll (or is it he'll :confused: lol ) be good as new when you get it back! :yes:

11-07-2011, 01:24 PM
Nicely done Angie, three silvers and a IH. Love those Barbers. You may be onto something with that yelling thing at the etrac. Sort of like a kid, sometimes you have to raise the level of conversation to be taken seriously.