View Full Version : Every hunt is not always great!

11-02-2011, 09:59 PM
Was able to get in about a three hour hunt today. Here in my area we use to have a cotton mill in operation back in the early 1900's. All around the cotton mill were cotton mill houses. This is where a lot of the workers stayed. Most have been torn down. I got permission to hunt some of the empty lots. I know that these old cotton mill workers were poor but Gezzzzzzzzzzz! These folks did not drop money! LOL. Todays hunt was not that great. Hand full of mem's, some clad, a marble, play money and a zodiac pendant made from aluminum. Maybe the Gods of Silver will smile on me on the next hunt!
Thanks to the people who run this site for fixin the picture problem, you folks are on the ball. HH everyone.

11-02-2011, 10:13 PM
You are right... not all hunts produce keepers. :yes: But, the only way to find your next honey hole is to keep trying. Sounds like your hunch was worth checking out. Might even be worth a second try.

Thanks to the people who run this site for fixin the picture problem, you folks are on the ball. HH everyone.

Angie was on the ball here. She figured it out rather quickly. :yes:

11-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Oh yeah, I'm not through yet. Almost got through with one lot today. Got five more to go. Its going to take a while. One owner owns these. I know it will probable lead to more. We will see what we will see.

11-03-2011, 07:19 AM
Those play coins are fun. I see lot's of silver from that site in your future.

11-03-2011, 09:08 AM
Yes Cody, not every hunt is a great hunt. Better luck next time and heres hoping the silver gods smile on you

11-03-2011, 09:16 AM
I hear you Cody. I got to hunt an old homestead with my brother and pretty much came up empty handed. I thought we were going to find some real good keepers. Went back several more times with little success. By said something intellegent that stuck with me. He said, Now you know the true meaning of dirt poor. I learned that sometimes the best looking sites may not be the best sites. We sure had a good time together finding nothing. Or maybe we did find something that was lost. It just wasn't buried in the ground.