View Full Version : 1796 Draped Bust Large Cent!

10-31-2011, 05:23 PM
Doug and I went out Saturday morning first to an old park that doesn't give up stuff willingly and today was no exception. We then went out door knocking first house did not give up any keepers the next house circa 1900 did a bit better. Doug scored first with a 1908 Indian and I got on the board with an 1904 Indian, the Doug got a 1918 wheat and then I got a 1913 wheat. A bit later I dug up an unusual item, at first thought it was going to be a token or maybe a foriegn coin but it turns out it is an Apothercaries weight. It says Two Scruples which turns out to be a meaurement of weight, one scruple is .333 percent of a dram. These were placed on one side of the balance scale and then the medicines were placed on the other side. After awhile we went to the 1811 house were a few weeks ago Doug got the two Large Cents and two Two Cent pieces and I had gotten the the large Dandy Button and an Indian. Today was going to be my turn for the good finds. Doug got a flat button and I did as well a very nice small one with an intact shank. I was using Two Tone Ferrous and I got a jumpy signal, I dug and got a piece of folded up copper but I was still getting a 12-42 signal so I thought well a wheatie. The target was off to the side and on edge, imagine my suprise to pull out a Large Cent, it was very dirty so I just stuck it in my pouch, a few minutes later I got a solid nickel signal and out came a very nice 1920 Buffalo. We had to leave since Doug had to get back home. As we were driving I examine the Large Cent and I said to Doug for some reason I think this is an early one. I took some water and as I was dabbing at it I said, wouldn't it be neat if the bust was facing right! After a bit more water I could see it and you should have seen the look on Doug's face when I said &quot:grin:shocked04:ug the bust is facing right! I could start to see the date and at first I said I think it is an 1806 then a bit more looking I said to Doug....oh my that is not an 06 that is a 96! Yes it is a 1796 Draped Bust Large Cent. We decided to stop at the coin shop to show it to Richard at the coin shop...well you know you have a good find when the coin shop guy does a double take and says Wow! The date is very readable full Liberty on top it is better than the picture. Back is slick with just a few details of wreath and faint lettering and detnitcles. A great day made better by sharing it with a friend!


10-31-2011, 06:25 PM
Nice find. :perfect10: Very good results for a day of detecting. Nice job. Thanks for posting.

10-31-2011, 06:50 PM
Here is a picture of the back almost impossible to tell in picture. But using my loupe I can see parts of the wreath, some of the denticles on the edge, very faint and I mean faint lettering and at the bottom if you have the right light and hold it just right you can see the 100 part of the 1/100.


li tom
10-31-2011, 07:55 PM
Very nice find with good detail for a dug Copper.Congrats and enjoy!

10-31-2011, 09:16 PM

10-31-2011, 11:22 PM
Congrats on the very old copper! An amazing find, congrats! :clapping:

Ill Digger
11-01-2011, 12:47 AM
Holy moly Tony!!! Now for Ohio that is Ooooooold!!
Thats gonna be a hard one to top. :yes: At least on this side of the Atlantic! rofl
I'm so happy for you!! I'd say you took the cake for the day!!
Man your on cruise control the rest of the year now!! :yes: lol
Good for you!!
Congrats!! :clapping: :grin:

11-01-2011, 06:57 AM
Those are nice leasr pics of some great finds. WTG

11-01-2011, 08:19 AM
Nice finds! Those bust coins are a difficult find. Congrats!

11-01-2011, 01:45 PM
:clapping: nice job!

11-01-2011, 02:16 PM
very good hunt and finds,wtg.

11-03-2011, 09:16 AM
Huge congrats on finding that early LC. I am still in pursuit of one of those early LC's