View Full Version : dug 2 SLQs today

10-21-2011, 07:25 PM
Dug 2 SLQs today. That's a first for me. One even had a date. They were less then a foot from each other. Also pulled 2 Washingtons in the same hole, as well as a few other Q's and a handful of dimes, for a total of 10 silvers, 7 of which were quarters :shocked04:

Yesterday pulled 12 modern silver coins, and pulled 11 on Tuesday. Too bad in rained on Wed >:\, but it least it loosened up the dirt for today and yesterday, and made the silver sing out.

That's 7 consecutive double digit silver hunts, and 11 consecutive hunts scoring either a silver quarter or half. Sort of hard to believe.

Thanks for looking and HH.

10-21-2011, 08:27 PM
:shocked04: |:confused:) Just incredible Randy. I am very impressed with your skills.
Your posts are looking more and more like somebody else's I know. --> :angelic: <--

The silver tally under your avatar jumps by leaps and bounds. Congratulations on
all the beautiful silver you have pictured here. Especially the SLQ's. :clapping:

Tony Two-Cent
10-21-2011, 08:41 PM
You're just knocking it out of the park with every hunt, Randy! |:confused:)

S'funny what Joe said, because I wasn't thinking the same thing about your hunting skills being on par with Angel's. Two SLQs in one hunt is spectacular! I love your reports and photos, they are inspiring!


10-21-2011, 08:56 PM
Your post title is a bit misleading lol

Congrats on the 2 SLQs. Those are rare, and in the same day especially. But most of all, :perfect10: on the success run that you have had at that site!! |:cheering: It gives me inspiration, because I have had a few tough hunts lately.

You are one with that E-Trac. You remind me of someone else :happydance01: Looking forward to more of the same from you. :yes: I know you will continue to be successful, because you have learned that machine inside out. Awesome :peace:

10-21-2011, 09:03 PM
:perfect10: :omg: I can not even amagine that much silver in one day. :dontknow: You obviously understand what that E-Trac is telling you, and a good site. :cheering: Great job! |:confused:)

Ill Digger
10-21-2011, 11:58 PM
Well it's obvious your defiantly in-tune with your machine Randy! :yes: thumbsup01
And that might be the understatement of the year! lol
Is this the place across the street from your back-up place for this place? :confused:
What type of area are you hunting? :dontknow: And where are you consecrating on? :drool:
Come on! I need to know how to do that!! lol :yes: |:confused:)
Thats just off the charts Randy!!
Triple BIG CONGRATS !! :grin: :envious: :grin:

10-22-2011, 06:19 AM
Thanks for the comments. Its in the same area of the backup place I mentioned a while back. I've been to that other place before a couple of times and never found any silver, so I am certainly no Angel. I think this is just a matter of lucking out and finding a hot zone in a large park that others have missed, as there are certainly huge dead areas, tho the trash and depth protect alot of it. I'm thinking there might have been a fair, or community day, or some such in that section back in the day that no one remembers. The silver is very bursty -- several times I've hit 3 or 4 in the span of a very short time, so maybe booths or something like that.

I've been focused strictly on the silver. No low tones and often passing over shallow clad pennies and dimes. I only dig wheaties to verify the grid, that is, as I expand the grid away from the hot zone, I dig the wheaties to verify that I should continue to progress in that direction. Of course, any bouncy wheaties I dig as they are sometimes thin mercs. Its the solid 10-43s at 5 inches I'm talking about that are so rarely silver that I'm willing to take the chance on in the name of efficiency. So I end up digging about half the wheaties. With so much silver in the ground I want to get it as efficiently as possible lest another E-Trac'er drive by and see me there day after day. (I had to work a good silver site earlier in the year with competition present, and it wasn't all that enjoyable, especially since they were not friendly and refused to get social, so I want to just get the silver quickly and avoid that scene again).

I'll go back sometime next year over the hottest sections and see what I missed.

10-22-2011, 06:41 AM
I can not think of any words that are worthy. WOW!

10-22-2011, 07:45 AM
|:confused:) |:confused:) |:confused:) Wow Randy, I think you have got your machine down! Plus you found the honey hole! :yes: Thank you for sharing - you definately give me incentive to get out there and hunt today lol And to learn my machine, obviously you are doing something right!!

Btw, I found a merc yesterday when I was in High Trash Mode w/ my V3i. I had hunted that same area many times... Learning myself to go very slow to get the deep stuff in trashy areas. Thanks for the tips- to be persistent in the trashy areas :)

10-22-2011, 07:51 AM
:perfect10: Randy, your posts are a definatel incentive to get out and hunt. There is still silver to be found, that is if you haven't gotten it all. That silver total is very impressive. Huge congrats on the 7 consecutive double digit silver hunts. :clapping: |:confused:)

10-22-2011, 04:22 PM
With so much silver in the ground I want to get it as efficiently as possible lest another E-Trac'er drive by and see me there day after day.
Now I know why all you serious detectorists wear camo. lol
That's a serious hunt, Congrats!

10-22-2011, 06:23 PM
Thats impressive |:cheering:

10-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Now thats an awesome display of silver! Big congrats Randy :perfect10:

10-22-2011, 08:28 PM
Holy moley Randy. Banner finds!