View Full Version : My first Barber Half!

09-28-2011, 09:56 AM
I went hunting with my friend Kevin for a few hours yesterday at this unbelievable site- just look at the pic! The grass/landscaping was so nice I was surprised I got a yes to hunt it in the first place. I just found the place last week, took advantage of the phone number on a sign in the yard (for banquet/wedding rentals). When I called a young woman (seemed like she hadn't been working there long) asked so this is a hobby, there's no charge? Well then, I guess it's okay lol Wouldn't that be nice... :rolleyes: The way she paused and stammered I had a feeling she didn't have the authority.

Sure enough yesterday a man pulled up in a truck with piercing eyes, asked if we had permission. I said yes and he left. Then a little later a woman pulled up and stormed towards us, wanted to know my name and who I got permission from >:/ She said they have weddings there and don't want holes all over the place :crazy: I told her my system and she said well whatever, she just has to dot her i's and cross her t's and told us to leave the property.

Well, luckily I had already pulled this 1909 s Barber Half!! :happydance01: It was about 5 deep I knew it was a half dollar and was chanting Barber, Barber, Barber when I took a peek to find out what it was. <: Kevin guessed it was a Walker (I've already found 2 Walkers, so was hoping for my first Barber). I wish I had my camera when it was still in the plug... Plus I found the 1888 V nickel and I found the 5 cent trade token there last week. Kevin found a 1941 Washington and some wheats. I found the Barber half right there in the lower right hand side of the pic.









Here's some other silver I've found in the past couple weeks :yes: From 2 different old churches I've been hitting.


09-28-2011, 10:07 AM
<: <: <:
Excellent Tana! Big congrats to you on the Barber Half. I can just here you chanting &quot:beerbuddy:arber, Barber, Barber. When I dug mine... I wasn't doing a chant, but a beg. Please be a Barber, please be a Barber. lol
The place does look very dreamy for a metal detectorist. :drool:
At least you were able to pull some nice keepers from the time you were there. Do they book wedding there all year around or is there an end to the 'outdoor' wedding season there?
Awesome keepers Tana... especially the half. Love the SLQ too. :smitten:

Ill Digger
09-28-2011, 10:24 AM
:shocked03: Whoa girl!! That place looks just dreamy!! :daydream: :drool:
The Barber half eased the pain of having to leave I'm sure lol To bad they ran you off \:[
Looks like you been pulling some really nice silver items here as of late :yes: :clapping:
I really, really like that silver ring! :drool: It looks BEEFY!!
Congrats on some beautiful finds! :clapping: :grin:

09-28-2011, 10:46 AM
Nice post, to bad you were asked to leave. :perfect10: Congrats on the Barber, was there a happy dance involved?? :happydance01: <: And you're right what a beautiful site. If I chant Barber, Barber what are my chances......Nice V (semi-key?).

09-28-2011, 10:51 AM
I really, really like that silver ring! :drool: It looks BEEFY!!

lol Thanks! I weighed it and it's the same as 4 mercs... I admit I obsess over my silver stuff. I play with it and weigh it and store it in different ways. My friend gave me a silver jewelry box that looks like a treasure chest. I've been filling it with mercs that I buy w/my clad money. It's fun watching it fill up! I'll have to post a pic and show you.

Ahhh silver... I still have such a rush from finding that half!

09-28-2011, 10:53 AM
Congrats on the Barber, was there a happy dance involved?? :happydance01: <:

I'm still doing the happy dance lol I have it in coin sleeve in my back pocket to show my mom- and whoever else will look rofl

09-28-2011, 11:36 AM
Wow, those are some beautiful finds, congrats on the Barber Half, still looking for one of those myself!

09-28-2011, 02:50 PM
:smitten: :drool: thats a beauty Tana |:cheering: |:cheering: and a S mint mark to boot :clapping: :clapping: huge congrats to you :perfect10:

09-28-2011, 02:56 PM
Very nice finds Tana, I can't imagine asking you to leave a place! Well I would check back later you never know you might get back in again, if not you got your remembrance of it anyway |:cheering:

09-28-2011, 03:56 PM
Nice job Tana. Glad you got out of Dodge when you did. thumbsup01

09-28-2011, 04:16 PM
Congrats on the Barber half and all that other silver. Those Barber halfs are a fun find indeed, aren't they?

09-28-2011, 05:29 PM
Simply WOW! What great finds. It's great that you got a chance to do a bit of detecting on that site. Makes you wonder what's left behind, doesn't it?

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

09-28-2011, 07:04 PM
|:cheering: wow , a barber half thats awesome . i bet somebody back in the day was bummed to lose that beauty. stinks to get run of doesnt it :girlcry:

09-28-2011, 10:36 PM
Big congrats girl!!!! I've yet to get my patties on one of them! The places you hunt kill me... like hunting the poster homes of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!!!

Cheap Thrills
09-28-2011, 11:16 PM
Great finds Tana especially that hard to get Barber Half . I'm Glad you were able to get some great stuff before being run off by the wicked witch of the East . :perfect10: thumbsup01 :cool:

09-29-2011, 07:13 AM
I'm Glad you were able to get some great stuff before being run off by the wicked witch of the East . :perfect10: thumbsup01 :cool:

lol Yes she was... I'm getting leather tough to this 'getting run off'. I think this is house #7 for me now. Usually it's a mix-up between an owner and real estate agent (the latter says sure that's okay). Once it was a little squeek of a voice out an open window: honey, I'm glad you found some good stuff- but I'd like to save some goodies for my brother when he comes to visit w/his detector, okay?... :huh:

Big congrats girl!!!! I've yet to get my patties on one of them! The places you hunt kill me... like hunting the poster homes of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!!!

Thanks Brian! Actually I like old run-down houses the best. The more vacant and demolished, with vines growing through the broken windows, the better :yes:

09-29-2011, 07:25 AM
<: <: <:
Excellent Tana! Big congrats to you on the Barber Half. I can just here you chanting &quot:beerbuddy:arber, Barber, Barber. When I dug mine... I wasn't doing a chant, but a beg. Please be a Barber, please be a Barber. lol
The place does look very dreamy for a metal detectorist. :drool:
At least you were able to pull some nice keepers from the time you were there. Do they book wedding there all year around or is there an end to the 'outdoor' wedding season there?
Awesome keepers Tana... especially the half. Love the SLQ too. :smitten:

Thank you Joe :) I'm not sure about the wedding season- that woman was so grumpy and authoritative I think it would be a NO forever from her... But it's worth a try to ask later in the fall/winter. All I could get is another NO lol

Btw I love cold weather- takes a frozen ground to keep me from winter hunting. How about you?

09-29-2011, 09:04 AM
congrats on the barber half and other nice finds Tana,,very good hunting.

09-29-2011, 02:05 PM
Very nice Tana! That's a wonderful Half. You do have some very beautiful places to hunt, Just gorgeous. I can see where you dug that half from in the picture. What a mess you left! lol Just teasing Tana.


09-29-2011, 03:46 PM
AWESOME! What a nice lookin place to hunt!

09-29-2011, 03:53 PM
Those are some great finds! Too bad you can't hunt there anymore i bet it's got more goodies to give up.
I got only the one barber coin (quarter) but i'm gonna keep looking for something like that in the hole so i can dance again.
Congrats on all that silver and the cool tokens. |:cheering:

09-30-2011, 01:34 PM
Some very nice silver there Tana, and congrats on your first barber half thumbsup01

09-30-2011, 02:32 PM
Thanks everyone! I really have silver fever now lol

Civil War Nut
10-01-2011, 02:24 AM
Shame ,Shame , TC. Dont you just hate it when they do that . One says yes , another says naw . Its not like you were out there with a back-hole digging ponds . By the way looks like the old Ky. girl is getting good at this stuff . Make me ashame to put my post on here . Go for it girl , and the best of luck to ya .

10-01-2011, 07:27 AM
Shame ,Shame , TC. Dont you just hate it when they do that . One says yes , another says naw . Its not like you were out there with a back-hole digging ponds . By the way looks like the old Ky. girl is getting good at this stuff . Make me ashame to put my post on here . Go for it girl , and the best of luck to ya .

lol :embarrassed: Thanks CWN - I always enjoy your posts :)

10-06-2011, 12:40 AM
Wow really great finds there, congrats. Still waiting on my first silver half I'd take a barber for the first one, that would be nice.

10-12-2011, 10:48 AM
Congrats on some nice finds, Tana, especially that sweet Barber half. thumbsup01

10-12-2011, 01:31 PM
Great finds. If I found a Barber half I probably would have a heart attack. Congrats!

10-12-2011, 05:55 PM
WHO dug all them holes in that yard >:# >:# rofl Had the same thing happend to me someone gave me permision to hunt someone elses land and did I get it >:/ >:/ \:[ :dontknow: >:tongue: Congrats on some nice finds By the way you did ask her if she wanted to keep what you found just to be nice:huh:thinkingabout: rofl rofl rofl

10-13-2011, 06:47 PM
:omg: Way to go Tana, it is a beauty and you have a good reason to be proud of it. The site is also beautiful, and you may not have been able to make full use of it, but you did get to hunt it some. I love the Mercs too, and get a bigger thrill out of finding one of them than anything else. Before old age strikes, you also got some great looking tokens. Congratulations on a great hunt. |:confused:) :clapping: :clapping: Happy dance for you :happydance01: