View Full Version : Back to the basics...

09-19-2011, 09:41 PM
After my lucky run of Seateds, Barbers and multiple IH's I am back to reality. :)

Tonight I was finally able to turn my detector back on right around 5:30. Not much time left for evening hunts as the sun
is getting down pretty early.

By 7:15 it was starting to get dark but not before I pulled a few keepers from a park very close to my home. I hunt this
park when time is an issue and usually can walk away with a couple of keepers in short order. Tonight was about average
for the amount of time to search compared to keepers. Pocketed a Merc, an IH and a few wheats for my efforts. :happydance01:

The Mercury was an interesting one. I heard the sweet sound but it was tough to pinpoint. On first effort I dug a plug with nothing in the hole.
Next pinpoint was to the right about 4 inches. Dug the plug and there she was about 4 inches down tilted in the plug. It was on a hillside and my coil was angled as well. I think the combination of the two produced a false pinpoint. :confused: After removing the coin and back filling the hole... nothing else remained on the resweep. Threshold constant all the way. I definitely experienced something new tonight.

Gonna chase some oldies later in the week. :cheesysmile:

... Oh yeah, forgot to mention the acorns are falling. That time of year when it is like trying to detect with hundreds of marbles on the ground. :twirlingeyes: lol

dave in iowa
09-19-2011, 10:23 PM
great finds Joe , you kill that park,,,, never much luck there.......

09-19-2011, 10:37 PM
4 is a long way, good job tenacity to dig again. i don't think these minelabs are known for the pinpoint...notice most of the heavies here have the inline probe of which I will have this week!

09-19-2011, 11:47 PM
4 is a long way, good job tenacity to dig again. i don't think these minelabs are known for the pinpoint...notice most of the heavies here have the inline probe of which I will have this week!

Usually I get pretty zeroed in on the pinpoint. Sometimes in trash I have to circle the target until I get the coin sweet spot. Tilted coin and a tilted coil turned out to be more than I've experienced so far. lol But I knew when I back filled the first hole I was going to regroup and scan again.

09-20-2011, 07:31 AM
Wow! :beerbuddy: I wonder what your total count is at that park?

lol at walking on the acorns... and walnuts are no fun (falling on your head)... :blackeye:

And Lord forbid anyone get hit with one of these from the Orange Osage Tree!!!

09-20-2011, 07:45 AM
Somehow I don't think your seateds and barbers were luck. :rolleyes: :poke:

You really have scored out of that park, Joe. :happydance01:

I went out for a little over an hour to the park I have been doing well at, but came home with nothing, nada, empty-handed. :rolleyes: So much for my lucky run. 8/

09-20-2011, 07:47 AM
Another good hunt, merc and IH and wheats doesn't sound like an unlucky experience. Those seated and barbers are just waiting for you. Congrats

09-20-2011, 07:54 AM
thoes are all very nice finds,wtg.

Tony Two-Cent
09-20-2011, 02:36 PM
Wow! :beerbuddy: I wonder what your total count is at that park?

lol at walking on the acorns... and walnuts are no fun (falling on your head)... :blackeye:

And Lord forbid anyone get hit with one of these from the Orange Osage Tree!!!

Around here we call them Hedge Apples. We have several of those trees lining our back yard. It's my daughters job to pick up all of the hedge apples before I mow. I've yet to be beaned by one of them falling from a tree. (Knock on wood.)

Great finds, Joe! I would settle for coins like that any day of the week! I know what you're saying about the days getting shorter and hunting time being limited in the evenings now. It's good that the extreme heat is gone, but pretty soon my detecting will be limited to weekends due to lack of daylight. So it goes.

09-20-2011, 09:29 PM
Thanks folks.

Wow! :beerbuddy: I wonder what your total count is at that park?

This park is not actually 'Seated Park' but one very close to my house. It does not date back to
nearly as early as the other one. Although I did pull one holed Seated dime from here earlier in the season.
I think my count is around 16 silvers from this park though. It's always good for a couple of wheats, a silver and an IH
for every 2-3 hours I hunt there.

lol at walking on the acorns... and walnuts are no fun (falling on your head)... :blackeye:

We have some of those 'Hedge Apples' here too. I'd definitely hate to get hit by one of those, or walnuts. I did get plunked by a walnut last fall while searching under a big tree.

But the acorns prove to be very challenging to swing the coil over. :twirlingeyes:

I went out for a little over an hour to the park I have been doing well at, but came home with nothing, nada, empty-handed. :rolleyes: So much for my lucky run. 8/

:dontknow: That's how it goes sometimes. Although I think the 'sometimes' for you are much less frequent. :poke: lol

Cheap Thrills
09-21-2011, 04:57 PM
Awesome hunting Joe !! |:confused:) You've pulled out some great coins lately . I am just blown away with the several tribes of Indians you have acquired and I'm so envious that my face has developed a lovely green patina such as theirs . I've only found four around here and compared to yours they look like refugees from a Leper colony ( really horrible dirt for them around here . :envious: :perfect10:


09-21-2011, 08:33 PM
and compared to yours they look like refugees from a Leper colony ( really horrible dirt for them around here . :envious: :perfect10:

rofl Thanks Sheik. We are fortunate here with the soil. I have pulled some nasties too, but most are in nice shape. :)

09-22-2011, 07:52 AM
I'd definitely hate to get hit by one of those, or walnuts. I did get plunked by a walnut last fall while searching under a big tree.

This reminds me that once I had a squirrel chew off baby pears above my head, bombing me! lol It was the strangest thing! I think it was being territorial, but perhaps playful. It was chattering like it was laughing. Maybe it had a nest of babies nearby...