View Full Version : Member Articles

09-15-2011, 02:57 PM
As many of you already know, the American Detectorist (http://www.americandetectorist.com/index.html) home page features articles and tutorials written by several of our members:

New England Cellar Hole Hunting 101 (http://www.americandetectorist.com/newenglandcellarhole.shtml) - Dan (del)
Garrett's Ace 250 and Fisher's F2 - A Comparative Review (http://www.americandetectorist.com/ace250_F2review.shtml) - John (Lowjiber)
The Anatomy Of A Parkway Strip (http://www.americandetectorist.com/parkway_01.shtml) - Jack (CyberSage)
Metal Detecting and Google Earth Image Overlay (http://www.americandetectorist.com/earthgoogtutor.shtml) - Randy (randy)

The articles have proven to be informative and helpful to those who are relatively new to the hobby. It would be great to be able to continue to provide such helpful information, so if any member would like to submit a short article or tutorial touching on any aspect of our hobby, please send me a PM with the details.

Thanks everyone!