View Full Version : First Hunt in Weeks, Got Me Some Gold!

08-06-2011, 10:22 PM
Howdy Folks!
I needed a modification on one of my brand new birthday holsters, so cruised down to Highlands Ranch to get that done.
After getting the adjustment I needed, I headed out to a nearby park. I figured I might as well do a little hunting in Highlands Ranch while being there and all. Actually, I was keen to get to one of the local schools, but ended up starting out at a little park there. I'm glad I didn't decide to pass it by, because within 20 minutes I had a gold ring that acid tested to better than 18k gold!

Beyond that, I didn't find much. Plenty of clad, but very little jewelry items.

http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79326&d=1312686990 (http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79326&d=1312686990)
http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79327&d=1312687031 (http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79327&d=1312687031)
http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79328&d=131268705:dont know:/img] (http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79328&d=1312687058)

After the day got really hot, I came home for awhile to wait out the heat. Went back out again around 4pm and it wasn't much cooler. Still over 90 degrees at that time of day. Still, I hunted a couple of my favorite locations in Montbello. Came out of those 2 locations with maybe 53 coins and little else.

Total for the day was:
18 Quarters = $4.50
19 Nickels = $0.95
22 Dimes = $2.20
68 Pennies = $0.68
1 Sac Dollar = $1.00
1 Prez Dollar = $1.00
Total = $10.33
Coin Count = 129 Coins.

Of course, the best find of the day was the 18K gold ring. I'll take that on any hunt!

[img]http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79325&d=1312686952 (http://forums.whiteselectronics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79325&d=1312686952)


08-06-2011, 10:25 PM
very nice ring MT and an all around good hunt,wtg.

08-06-2011, 10:30 PM
Howdy Amigo!
Was good to get out. I have been focused on accomplishing a particular goal and devoted all my attention to that goal over the last month. Aside from that, it was just too darn hot around here for several weeks.

After that trouble with the blood clot, and the blood thinners I got stuck using, I don't seem to have any tolerance for heat or cold that I should have. I think the stuff screwed up my metabolism or something.

Anyhow, I got a nice gold ring today, and hope to get back out again tomorrow.


08-07-2011, 02:16 PM
Real nice ring Mel. :clapping: Can't see the color too well on my computer but it looks green, so I'm hoping for an emerald lol I bet it was nice to finally get out and hit some places. Good luck on the next hunt thumbsup01

08-07-2011, 03:02 PM
Mel, I'm always amazed that you find so much gold all the time. Do you tend to dig a lot of trash or have you pretty much zeroed in on the sound of gold? Does the majority of it still come from tot lots?

08-07-2011, 07:36 PM
Mel, I'm always amazed that you find so much gold all the time. Do you tend to dig a lot of trash or have you pretty much zeroed in on the sound of gold? Does the majority of it still come from tot lots?

Howdy Pardner!
Oh heavens... I still see plenty of trash. Since gold falls (usually) into the foil range, I will check every signal in that range.
As for where I find it, yeah. I'm still hanging out on tot lots mostly. The leg still ain't right, so I am having trouble trying to kneel in order to dig a target. I've done it a couple of times, and it just wasn't pretty at all.

Hope I've answered your questions and thanks for the response.


08-08-2011, 08:40 AM
Excellent recovery on that ring. I'm with coinnut, hoping for an emerald