View Full Version : Coinshooting an old house

07-19-2011, 09:52 PM
Drove by an old location that I have detected many times before. It's an old colonial house that the front part was moved, many miles down the road. That was the 1820's section. What was left was the 1790's part that stuck out the back of the larger section. Well today, on the way to work, I see that it finally was taken down :shocked04: The old part was built on grade, so no cellar hole. Just imagine what may be under there :daydream: :daydream: :daydream: lol Well I hurried and did my work and arrived just as the workers were going. It was the usual looking mess that big machinery makes. :girlcry: I started out and the first target was a rosette :clapping: So was the second and third too :confused: :confused: Found a total of 6 rosettes. :dontknow: But somehow the coins eluded me. I didn't find one :crying02: But I will be back since there are now a million targets from the crushed house that are probably masking out the good stuff lol Did get a couple of tokens (transit and amusement). The one token looks just like silver but it's probably nickel. Must not have been in the ground at all. My best find was a Sterling silver 4 leaf clover. I may use that luck on the next hunt there ;) Lots of junk and lots of fun, minus the mosquitoes.






silver star
07-19-2011, 09:56 PM
Great hunt and great finds too. Best of luck on your return trip. HH Mike

07-20-2011, 05:51 AM
Very interesting hunt George, looks like you were kept busy. Some neat finds in the mix, you know it's only a matter of time before you hit what you're looking for. :yes:

07-20-2011, 07:16 AM
with all the stuff you found, theres got to be some coins there,check it again and good luck.

07-20-2011, 07:53 AM
That trash is your friend. There has got to be old coins at that site.

07-20-2011, 08:15 AM
Can you really call it coinshooting if you didn't find even one coin? rofl

Really? I this this moderator has posted in the wrong category...I think this is truly relic hunting...it's still cellar hole hunting..the house wasn't there anymore..there just isn't a cellar rofl

But seriously some cool finds :clapping: Hopefully that clover will bring you some silver luck!

07-20-2011, 08:24 AM
Following up with Rob, if you find coins are you gonna post in the Relics. 16 rosettes in one hunt is fantastic. We all know the coins are there and can't wait for that post. Congrats on a nice hunt

07-20-2011, 08:48 AM
Love the clover :) It's good luck for the next time you hunt there thumbsup01

07-20-2011, 09:02 AM
Can you really call it coinshooting if you didn't find even one coin? rofl

Really? I this this moderator has posted in the wrong category...I think this is truly relic hunting...it's still cellar hole hunting..the house wasn't there anymore..there just isn't a cellar rofl

But seriously some cool finds :clapping: Hopefully that clover will bring you some silver luck!

You're such a clown Rob rofl I was out coinshooting but stumbled on to some relics lol I'm getting the coins later this week ;)

07-20-2011, 10:53 AM
I'm getting the coins later this week ;)

This is a multiphase Coinshoot. Phase 1 - Remove all non coin items. Phase 2 - Remove all coins. :yes: lol

Great bunch of recoveries George. Love all the rosettes and bells you found. Congrats.

07-20-2011, 11:03 AM
This is a multiphase Coinshoot. Phase 1 - Remove all non coin items. Phase 2 - Remove all coins. :yes: lol

Great bunch of recoveries George. Love all the rosettes and bells you found. Congrats.

It's actually 3 phase.... Phase 1- Remove all non coin items. :yes:
Phase 2 - Remove all coins. thumbsup01
Phase 3 - Send Angel in to remove all coins George missed. crying01

Sorry George, I just couldn't resist. :poke:

07-20-2011, 11:04 AM
There is great potential there for sure. :drool: Yeah, it will be a challenge working the site with all that trash there, but a few old coins will make it all worth it. :happydance01:

Cheap Thrills
07-20-2011, 11:18 AM
Nice going on the relics George the coins will come thumbsup01 .I've been in a real long slump here lately my coinshooting has degenerated to crapshooting . crying01

07-20-2011, 01:31 PM
It's actually 3 phase.... Phase 1- Remove all non coin items. :yes:
Phase 2 - Remove all coins. thumbsup01
Phase 3 - Send Angel in to remove all coins George missed. crying01

Sorry George, I just couldn't resist. :poke:

lol I may need Angel to point some out for me :thinkingabout: Maybe I can set his discrimination to find nails and reject coins for a little while. :embarrassed: thumbsup01

07-20-2011, 02:19 PM
lol I may need Angel to point some out for me :thinkingabout: Maybe I can set his discrimination to find nails and reject coins for a little while. :embarrassed: thumbsup01

You know I'm only having some fun. lol I'm sure you hold your own with the best of them. ;)

Now, if I could only get those SECRET numbers, I'd spend some money. :interesting:

07-20-2011, 06:59 PM
You know the drill...keep diggin until the good stuff gradually surfaces....however...that sterling clover must have been quite the treat for the ears.

07-20-2011, 07:46 PM
Looks like a good spot, now go get some old silver, HH!

07-20-2011, 08:37 PM
Rosettes when coin shooting lol Face it, you're a relic hunter, I don't care where you are lol Yet you still find some of the best coins :cheesysmile:

Love that token and the four leaf clover. Great hunt!!!

07-20-2011, 08:43 PM
OK round two today. How could I stay away from that place lol In reality, my time is limited there and soon the new church is going to be built, and there is no guarantee I will still be allowed to hunt it. Sometimes during construction, you get a NO for detecting :hairpulling: So I had a couple of hours to detect and I was determined to get some coins :cheesysmile: Well I got two of them, but not the big ones I was hoping for. I can not believe how much junk was still there. My ratio of junk to good targets just went out the door lol I have had a great run at this house and it has given me many nice coins and relics, but it is time to move on crying01 Todays hall still had the customary couple of rosettes :dontknow:

This will up the value of my scrap buckets


Not much in the good department but some keepers for sure


Two Indians today 1889 and an 1895


Here is the second Mass Militia Button from this site. The first was gorgeous, but it was a two piece button. This one is in rough shape, but it is an older 1 piece button. I don't know what it is about this year's hunting, but I am finding a lot of military buttons lately :happydance01:



Ill Digger
07-20-2011, 09:35 PM
I have had a great run at this house and it has given me many nice coins and relics, but it is time to move on crying01
crying01 I know the feeling. :-\ But it seems your in the same predicament as me too. It seem it's never hunted out :yes: lol
It's kinda hard to walk away completely :-\ until your not allowed to hunt it at all :crying02:
Ahh try it again. For old times sake :poke: lol
That 1889 IH looks like it should clean up nicely :yes: And nice button too :cool:
Congrats :grin:

07-20-2011, 10:02 PM
I know what you mean. With enough time, removing much of the trash would allow for recovery of more coins. There is so much trash there! :shocked04: Hopefully you will get in a few more hunts before it is no longer allowed. I bet you will still pull a large copper or two from there. :happydance01: The buttons you are finding are great though, and that 1889 IH should clean up nicely. :smitten:

07-20-2011, 10:33 PM
I think there are more coins there George. You cleaned out the top layer :) Great finds!! I love old homestead sites :smitten:

07-20-2011, 10:42 PM
Congrats on giving it another whirl George. :clapping:
Somehow it just doesn't seem right that an


came out of the same ground that a


did. lol

A big congrats on recovering the good stuff.

07-20-2011, 10:48 PM
Somehow it just doesn't seem right that a


came out of the same ground as a



lol That egg slicer doesn't stand a chance against that guy :shocked04:

07-20-2011, 10:59 PM
lol That egg slicer doesn't stand a chance against that guy :shocked04:

rofl ... :yes:

07-21-2011, 06:06 AM
WTG George. It's hard to give up on a spot when you know there are some good things to be found. :daydream:

Those IHs and buttons are nice finds and made the hunt worthwhile. :yes:

I gave up on a spot in March, but the pictures in this post bring the reality of MDing home to us newbies....I gave up on this spot because of all the trash at that site. I found a large copper, piece of silver ( trime ) and a nice token, but the trash was so overwhelming that I went elsewhere. :crazy:

Knowing how old the site is and that is does in fact hold good finds I will take the time to wade through all the junk for the opportunity to find some of those old hidden coins. :daydream:

07-21-2011, 09:40 AM
Nice hunts there George! love that button, and eyeing those crotols you found.. I love finding bells...ttyl