View Full Version : Bottom of the seventh. Tied up at 46.

Ill Digger
07-17-2011, 10:31 PM
I finally got a chance to get out and do a little detectin' today! :happydance01: I met up with a couple buddys and we hit a local park for a few hours till we had to leave. But I was just starting to find a good little area :-\ :eyebrow:
Before we left I was able to find a 19nothin' wheatie lol and a 42 Merc :happydance01:

It was getting pretty hot and humid :rolleyes: >:# So after getting dropped off at home I couldn't stop thinking :thinkingabout: Man I was just startin' to find the good stuff. And I'm only one silver away from tying last years silver total ! :daydream: :drool: So after a quick bite to eat I headed back out into the +90° heat and humidity in search of silver #46 for the year :drool: lol I went back to the same park and started back were I left off . I spent another 3 hours or so working this area under some big'ol shade trees ;) along side a baseball field. While I was there I was able to find 9 more wheaties and........wait for it........wait for it! Yes!! I found silver #46 for the year!! <: :happydance01: happydance02 A 1938 Merc!
Only seven months into this season and I'm tied with last years total of 46 silvers!! <:

Shortly after that I'd had enough of the heat for the day :white:usaflag:: :white:usaflag:: So I packed it up and headed for the AC at home :frozen: lol
Thanks for lookin and HH everyone :groovy:
Stay cool and hydrated out there thumbsup01

07-18-2011, 12:32 AM
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Awesome post Tim. I'm happy to see you made it out for some hunting. I cracked a smile several times
when reading because I'd be right there doing the same thing. Since Saturday morning... I am also at the same
amount I ended last year with. I definitely share your excitement.
I bet when the '42 popped out you were thinking... Life is good. :yes: Then when the '38 showed up you were like <:
Big, big congrats to you. All the others you get this year will be icing on the cake.

07-18-2011, 10:42 AM
WOW, you are one determined detectorist. You were bound and determdined to get that 46th silver and a huge congrats to you.

07-18-2011, 10:53 AM
I was there along with you, Tim! lol Don't stop now! Triple-digit silver will be the goal by the end of the year. That is a nice club to be in. :happydance01: Congrats Tim. :beerbuddy:

Tony Two-Cent
07-18-2011, 11:59 AM
Congrats on tying last year's silver record! Those are some nice wheats and mercs!

I hope the silver continues to turn up for you!

07-18-2011, 12:09 PM
:omg: Anyone that hunts in that type of heat and humidity, for that long, deserves to break a record.

Congratulations on your personal best Tim, and many months left to set a new high water mark. <:

Full Metal Digger
07-18-2011, 05:40 PM
Congrats Tim! It's getting harder and harder to MD now that we are over 100 degrees every day this week. I don't even want to dig in anyone's yard. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to get 100+ silvers this year! I know you can do it buddy! HH, Dave.

silver star
07-18-2011, 08:46 PM
Congrats on the silver and rest of your finds Tim. WTG!!! HH Mike

Ill Digger
07-19-2011, 08:40 PM
Thanks for lookin' & commenting everyone :grin:

All the others you get this year will be icing on the cake.
Thats what I'm thinkin thumbsup01 lol

WOW, you are one determined detectorist. You were bound and determdined to get that 46th silver and a huge congrats to you.
Either determined or :crazy: Depends on who you ask lol Yeah...we'll go with determined :yes: lol

Don't stop now! Triple-digit silver will be the goal by the end of the year.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to get 100+ silvers this year! I know you can do it buddy! HH, Dave.
:huh: Huh? 100? rofl <} Yeah right! lol I'll be lucky if I find one more :rolleyes: Buuut it would be nice... :daydream:

Congratulations on your personal best Tim

Congrats on the silver and rest of your finds Tim.

Congrats on tying last year's silver record! Those are some nice wheats and mercs!

I hope the silver continues to turn up for you!

Thanks guys :grin:

leslie(nova scotia)
07-21-2011, 10:27 AM
From the land of the Bluenose.....you bouys sure were busy. Nice haul and lovely merc. Guinness would keep you hydrated youz! <;)

07-21-2011, 03:28 PM
Congrats on getting even with last year, but ya gotta find one more at least lol Can't end up even :thinkingabout: Nice to see someone else doesn't mind heat exhaustion and the bad things that can happen as a result of it rofl With this hot weather it is important to stay in tune with what is happening to your body. No sense in overdoing it. Great going hitting that goal Tim :peace:

07-21-2011, 04:41 PM
you did great to get out in all this heat and you tied your record good for you,way to hot for me.

07-21-2011, 08:36 PM
nice finds tim, this heat is nasty.