View Full Version : Late Afternoon Saturday Hunt... (Merc + Buffalo)

06-19-2011, 06:44 AM
Hello all!

I had plans to spend the day out swinging and digging... but my son came in from Boston friday night to sprise me for fathers days... So if was fun to hang out with him and do some stuff... He then went off to have dinner with some old friends... that afforded me a little dig time late in the day... It was close to 90 and good thing if was later in the day as it was cooling off...


Nothing to exciting for the hunt as far as keepers go... I had a nice little chat with a few passer buyers... and enjoyed my time in the park...

My 1st keeper was a deeper iffy 10-17 conductive target... I was hunting in TTF with line 1 open 41-47 and 27 and below disc'd out...

1915 Buffalo Nickel...


I thought this next target was a nice deep IH... It was conductive no's 33-37...

Pin - Hat Pin - ??



I recovered a few wheaties and some clad and was starting to think the day was going to be a little thin for keepers...

Then I was in a sandy dirt area that was dry and got a signal that had bight spots that bounced up to 47 conductive and sounded shiny...

5 down... 1945 Mercury Dime...


I hope everyone enjoyed their day!


06-19-2011, 09:19 AM
Thats a early Buffalo. Congrats on the silver. Happy Hunting!!

06-19-2011, 09:40 AM
Happy Fathers Day! Looks like you had a great hunt despite your limited time out! Very nice.

06-19-2011, 05:53 PM
Nice hunt Paul thumbsup01 You got a good, early Buffalo, some silver and I think you are right about the hat pin. :thinkingabout: Nice to get out and dig even if it is only for a while :yes:

06-20-2011, 07:53 AM
Congrats again, nice early buff, silver