View Full Version : stingy park

05-01-2011, 08:53 PM
2 hours driving and 4 hours detecting = only a few keepers.

Went back to a park Scott and I hit looking for some old coins. Gridded off an area and ~ an hour into the hunt I had a definite good hit. Turned out to be this 1900 barber dime. I felt good like this was going to be an incredible day, however, it certainly wan't that. Other good hits turned out to be small pieces of copper that appeared deep on my machine, but were actually shallow. Of course, I found this out after the hole was dug.

Other deep pieces of copper were iffy hits, not of which paid off, and a few signals near garbage that didn't pay off.....just a tough day, but a beautiful one.

Inquisitive kids, which I patiently spoke to and let them trail me around for hours, really slowed progress....either way, I was not going to get much. A reverse grid of the same area turned up tese 2 IH's, 1881 and 1903.

I visited a few other parks, however, they were new parks. One may have potential but there were too many people there today. So back to the original park I went.

THings are tough around here....I just can't seem to get a good location and I am traveling in the wrong direction too....as you can tell, I am not too happy with my year so far. There's very little around here, so I switched gears and started digging foil, nickels and pulltabs......hundreds w/o 1 gold piece to show for it.



05-02-2011, 08:15 AM
I've met a few of those too lol
You still got some nice ones though thumbsup01

05-02-2011, 09:01 AM
three very nice coins,wtg.

05-02-2011, 05:36 PM
Still got three nice coins, but they were hard earned :yes: Maybe looking into some way to get onto old homes is a better strategy for a while. Or start bringing in treats for the librarians and see if they can point you in a new direction. Did you and Scott ever hit that first place you wanted to hit where we met you at? I think it was a racetrack?? That had some potential :thinkingabout:

05-02-2011, 07:43 PM
Nice finds and good luck in the future, you'll break out with a big bunch of silver very soon!

05-02-2011, 08:30 PM
I think your right George, I will start approaching home owners.....it's tough because I have sell, and my whole life is rejection based.....every turn down means I'm one closer to success.....to face even more rejection is a bit difficult. Nonetheless, this is where I am headed.

No, we never hit that spot though we should have. Too late now as the grass is too long.

I have a huge tract of state land here, I'll have to figure out how to locate old foundations as well. I only saw a few maps on sanborn and I was not able to find any sign of the few I attempted to locate a few years back.

05-02-2011, 08:40 PM
Your stingy park would have me dancing all week! I'm in the same boat as you; scratching my head wondering where to hunt next. Except I'm not finding Barbers and Indians like you. Here's hoping we both find some nice spots.

05-03-2011, 05:30 AM
Still got three nice coins, but they were hard earned :yes: Maybe looking into some way to get onto old homes is a better strategy for a while. Or start bringing in treats for the librarians and see if they can point you in a new direction. Did you and Scott ever hit that first place you wanted to hit where we met you at? I think it was a racetrack?? That had some potential :thinkingabout:

Hey Coinnut.. I was there a month ago for a few hours but never turned up anything.. but there is lots of ground to still cover.

leslie(nova scotia)
05-03-2011, 05:46 AM
From the land of the Bluenose.....sweet barber me bouy and by the way did you hear thatthe Habs picked up 2 new players.........Teedoff and Summeroff! <;)

05-03-2011, 06:16 AM
Sorry Leslie the only team I hate more than the flyers is the habs ! I HATE them both....I do like Scottie Gomez tho?

leslie(nova scotia)
05-03-2011, 06:23 AM
From the land of the Bluenose....Red Army fan here...lol!

05-03-2011, 07:47 AM
Little kids are always challenging, most of the time they get bored and move on. Very nice recoveries, indians and a barber

05-03-2011, 05:51 PM
Hey Coinnut.. I was there a month ago for a few hours but never turned up anything.. but there is lots of ground to still cover.

Hey Scott, That place just looks good lol I have visions of Barbers coming out of the inner track area rofl