View Full Version : Purchasing Pin Pointer help

bottleCap Mining Corp
01-15-2011, 01:08 PM
Im coming to the pros for help.

I have both 5900di sl & MXT, also it turns out I live in a area that has gold mining history. Should have bought the GMT or the minelab 4500.( I learned this just in the last couple weeks)
I cant see myself hunting in tot lots my hunting partner does not believe in totlot rules she a 120LB black lab has no idea what a leash is for she believes its a tug of war toy.
So most of my dirt fishing will be in the Hills, riverbeds, campgrounds,beaches.... Dog friendly places.

I know alot of you realy like the sun-ray probes . Its just not for me. I dont like the fact that its not universal. :bangahead01:

Im guess down to these units

Garrett BUT does it work with the MXT,, Ive read the freq. are to close 12khz & 14khz :dontknow:

vibra probe Its water proof no switches 8)

vibra Quatic 2 A little bigger (power) maybe :dontknow:

Falcon probe from what I understand its great for gold but how does it stand up to CJ&R :confused:

detectaprobe pistol Its made in china from what I understand. Im not against it, at least its telling the truth. :dontknow:

So what do you feel is the best choice

Myself Im leaning twards the vibra's (((((((waterproof))))))))) Other than that im still :bangahead01:

01-15-2011, 01:55 PM
Dimemans findings


bottleCap Mining Corp
01-15-2011, 02:00 PM
Thank you very much.

I know dimeman did a great job on those and I thank him.

01-15-2011, 08:12 PM
The Garrett works great next to a 15khz detector and the older Whites 6.59khz. I have a Whites M6 ( same freq. as MXT)and have had no interference problems using the Garrett next to the M6.
There is just a little more depth to the Pistol Probe than the Garrett, but the Garrett is sturdier feeling and is louder. The Garrett is pretty water resistant. I dropped mine in a puddle of water, which covered it, retrieved it quickly,and dried it with a towel and it still works great.

All the ones I have tested I also used on hunts.
Haven't heard of the Falcon pinpointer.

Nitro 54
01-15-2011, 09:28 PM
From what you have listed, I'd go with the Garrett Pro

01-16-2011, 12:07 PM
I had a strange trek myself when shopping for a PPr. I first ordered and received a Pistol Probe only to find out it was defective right from the start. So I re-thought and took advice to equip my 5900 with the XL-1 Sun Ray. Well, I got that installed on the 5900 and it was a mess!, chattering and noisy for no reason at all. So now I have tried two of the $150+ detectors, one being the Sun Ray, which had it worked, would have left me needing a second PPr for the V3i, since the freqs are all different. I ended up following all of the advice from others and got the Garrett Pro Pointer, and I couldn't be happier! Fate sent me two defective, higher priced pin pointers, and led me to the Garretts. Stroke of luck is all I can say. The Pro Pointer is IT! martin

01-31-2011, 10:00 PM
I use a Garrett Pro Pointer, and there is a little intereference when using the MXT Pro. All I have to do is set the detector a foot or so farther to the side when I use the pro Pointer. It is no big deal. The Pro Pointer is so good, that this is a small price to pay.

01-31-2011, 11:56 PM
Hi there BCMC,

I'm not an expert on pin pointers. I have an Sunray and Garrett... to date I like the Garrett better for how I use it.

BUT, I can certainly relate to your dilemma with the lab. I adopted an 8 year old Siberian Husky several years ago, he had absolutely no history of obedience training. I wore out several leashes on the 'tug of war' thing. lol

02-01-2011, 12:32 AM
I always try to buy stuff made in America myself but it's getting hard to find much made here anymore. I've seen people use the Garrett and they seem to do very well with them, Goat rancher swears by the Detectorpro pistol probe (pulse). I went for years without even having a pinpointer until I got my Whites free when I bought my MXT, and when Al sold it to me I asked what the heck is this and he told me, I responded oh cool (without thinking much of it). Myself I've been doing a search every now and then for plans to build a good pulse pinpointer but I haven't run across one yet. There's plans on the net for building your own pinpointer also.

The only time I use one is in the winter cause of all the snow.

03-25-2011, 04:10 PM
I just purchased a DX-1 for my V3i (Shirley) I have seen others that went back to handheld units but i wanted to see if this is better than the vibra probe i'm using.
I know that the coil on my machine goes crazy when the vibra probes pulse gets pointed at it or it 's laying close on the ground and picks up the signal through the ground. And i hate the extra noise while i'm digging around looking for the target.
I also tested the vibra probe for detecting the target in air tests, not so good!
Will let y'all know if i likey :loveit: or not :girlcry:.

03-25-2011, 05:39 PM
Go search most any site for the best pin pointer posts(besides the Whites board), and you will immediately find that the Garrett's Pro Pointer is always going to be the cream of the crop. Nuff said. Martin

03-26-2011, 06:51 PM
:girlcry: So far i'm not seeing that this has any more power to locate the treasure in the hole than my Bullseye! Unless the batteries were too low while i was hunting. Guess i'll see if i can recoupe some of my money and get me a Pro-Pointer!!! :cheering:

04-11-2011, 08:46 AM
Garrett pro pointer purchased. Got to say it's the best i've used. It sees alot deeper into the ground and into the plug than the vibra probe or the bullseye II.
And the V3i was chattering from the signal it was sending. So, yeah i had to move the V3i farther away from the hole. But that's a small price to pay for the inch and a half to two inches more depth it gives. It made finding the targets EASY! :perfect10: <:

top pop top
04-11-2011, 04:23 PM
I use a Garrett Pro Pointer, and there is a little intereference when using the MXT Pro. All I have to do is set the detector a foot or so farther to the side when I use the pro Pointer. It is no big deal. The Pro Pointer is so good, that this is a small price to pay.

I'm with Bedrock and your MXT will let you know if you left the pinpointer on :grin: