View Full Version : What to do

01-14-2011, 09:18 AM
This is stuff I found that is not worth much to any one but me . I just toss it in a box and forget about it. What do you folks do with stuff like this.

01-14-2011, 09:25 AM
I always get that old stuff I find back out and look at it again cause ya never know I might have missed something.

01-14-2011, 09:40 AM
What about sorting them, placing them in lots, and then listing them on E-Bay? You might as well try to make some money out of those items.

01-14-2011, 12:36 PM
Is that an old cowboy ring in the bottom left of the picture :huh: Have you researched that ring:huh:
That looks to me like a Hoppy ring---Hopalong Cassidy. Those are collectable if it is a Hoppy ring.

01-14-2011, 12:36 PM
Makes for a nice treasure photo. :yes:

Some of those items look like real gold. :shocked04:

I know what you feeling though... sometimes I look at my misc. stuff and ask myself why I am keeping it. :confused:

Over the holidays I did loose some of my nicer looking, but junk, rings to my nieces. They spied them, asked if they could have some and acted like they found buried treasure when I said yes.

So I guess some of the junk rings we find still have value?? :rolleyes:

01-14-2011, 01:51 PM
You've got your stuff in a whole lot nicer looking box than I do Greg,,,,,my crap is in margarine containers :bangahead01: :bangahead01: :bangahead01:

Cheap Thrills
01-14-2011, 01:53 PM
Is that an old cowboy ring in the bottom left of the picture :huh: Have you researched that ring:huh:
That looks to me like a Hoppy ring---Hopalong Cassidy. Those are collectable if it is a Hoppy ring.

Sharp eyes there Dimeman that is indeed a Hoppy ring . thumbsup01

Check everything else out closely, take out the Hoppy ring , put the rest of the stuff in a jar add a couple of common marbles ,common wheats ,maybe a well worn common Merc . Have a Garage sale and sell it there . People will buy almost anything you might even get $6 to ? for it . This is what I'm planning to do :grin:

01-14-2011, 02:49 PM
i keep all my stuff in a tacklebox. so i can check it out later and show people that it aint all treasure

Jeff (or)
01-14-2011, 03:27 PM
That is exactly what I do, I think it is even the same box!! :beerbuddy:

01-14-2011, 03:30 PM
Yep I got one of those as well, just put the neat stuff that isn't worth much or don't know what it is in a box.

Salty Dog
01-14-2011, 04:37 PM
Ok Greg,here's Salty dogs method to deal with the left overs,take a quart jar and fill it with asst. Items with a note,as to when they were put in it,Take it to some woods or park and dig a deep hole and see how long it takes before some one finds it,oh yeah you can put your number in it if you like,It will make some future detectorist's Day,Just a thought...I buried a timex watch running in a plastic bag with the date to see whom would find it,so far no one has come foward,the next time I'm in that park i will check to see if it's still ticking,been over a year now,It rangs in like a quarter,so you would think it would get dug :thinkingabout:,can you think what VDI a jar of your stuff would sound like,Just a thought Pal :beerbuddy:,one Mans trash is anothers Treasure :yes:,cool stuff,Dave

01-14-2011, 07:22 PM
Ok Greg,here's Salty dogs method to deal with the left overs,take a quart jar and fill it with asst. Items with a note,as to when they were put in it,Take it to some woods or park and dig a deep hole and see how long it takes before some one finds it,oh yeah you can put your number in it if you like,It will make some future detectorist's Day,Just a thought...I buried a timex watch running in a plastic bag with the date to see whom would find it,so far no one has come foward,the next time I'm in that park i will check to see if it's still ticking,been over a year now,It rangs in like a quarter,so you would think it would get dug :thinkingabout:,can you think what VDI a jar of your stuff would sound like,Just a thought Pal :beerbuddy:,one Mans trash is anothers Treasure :yes:,cool stuff,Dave

LOL I thought about tossing a bunch of the junk rings around the beach and sit there for a while to see if someone comes by and watch them dig them up

01-14-2011, 07:46 PM
wow you're stuff would be treasures to me,your stuff is better than mine. thumbsup01

01-14-2011, 07:51 PM
wow you're stuff would be treasures to me,your stuff is better than mine. thumbsup01

Reminds me of a old song I used to sing

Ken L Ration My Dog's Better Than Your Dog (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi84maqHgxg#)

01-15-2011, 10:42 AM
Make a Treasure Box Greg and Fill it with all that ..it would look cool 8) thumbsup01 :beerbuddy:

Nitro 54
01-15-2011, 04:29 PM
I do the same thing Greg, but don't have near as much quality junk as you do .. :grin: :grin:

01-15-2011, 08:41 PM
Make a Treasure Box Greg and Fill it with all that ..it would look cool 8) thumbsup01 :beerbuddy:

That's actually a good idea thumbsup01 Have a box somewhere in the house when guests come over. Most people have never seen what we find. It would make a great conversation piece. They don't have to be rare or expensive finds to have people go WOW You could even glue them onto a board and make a collage out of it. That would look pretty cool and you wouldn't have to worry about it moving on you lol

01-16-2011, 07:07 PM
I would make a lot of different caches and bury them with a note book, pencil and instr. to sign and re bury like a geocache.