View Full Version : Look Out Texas! Here we Come!

01-14-2011, 08:58 AM
Howdy Folks!
Talked with Pipster when he got home last night, and learned of his intention to leave work around 4:00pm then come back to the house and load up a car for our trip to Texas.
Pipster says it should be about a 12 hour drive down there, but with my limitations, likely to be more like 18! LOL!

I visited the doctor regarding my knee (which swelled up something significant after my last hunt) and he says I should be good to go on this trip, so long as we stop every couple of hours and I get out and walk some. The swelling is evidently fluid on the knee. He believes it will eventually go down on its own. Maybe. Perhaps even!

So we aim to drop down through Oklahoma on I-35 to Somewhere near Dallas/Fort Worth, then easterly to Pipster's home town. Once we arrive there, we plan to do some hunting at locations Pip believes will have old coins. Easements and such and old towns that are virtual ghost towns now. We also talked about hitting a storage unit auction while there, will see what happens there.

Part of my time will be spent hunting on my own, since Pipster will be focused on his kinfolk down there, so I should be able to do some solo travel during our trip. I hope to meet up with some folks in Texas, and maybe even get down as far as Houston.

Right now, we haven't got anything carved in stone apart from going to Texas. Guess it will be play it by ear once we get there.


01-14-2011, 09:07 AM
Well have a safe trip and good luck, hope you find some nice stuff and remember to post some pics of your nice finds.

01-14-2011, 09:09 AM
Well have a safe trip and good luck, hope you find some nice stuff and remember to post some pics of your nice finds.

Howdy Wingmaster!
Oh yeah, absolutely!
I wonder if anybody ever hunted Dealy Plaza in Dallas?
Be my luck all I'd find are old bullets or something!


01-14-2011, 12:43 PM
Channelmaniac from the old place-----lives in Mesquite--not far from Dallas/Fort Worth. You might give him a shout and he might be able to give you some spots you can hunt at.

01-14-2011, 01:41 PM
Hi Mel,

Good luck on your Texas hunt. I was stationed at Ft. Hood for a year in my younger days. As I remember it, this time of year the Rattlers are coming out to get some sun. You might just want to pack your snake gatters just in case. If you are going to be out BLM land you might want to stop at a ranger station and buy a permit. I hope you and Pipster have a great time. Look forward to seeing what you bring back.

Happy Hunting.....KYBuzzBox

01-14-2011, 01:55 PM
I'm jealous! I really miss Texas...Stationed in Abilene for 4 years the another 3 years down in Corpus Christi. Good times! Have a great time and don't push that bum wheel of yours too hard. we'll be looking to hearing a few stories from your trip.


01-14-2011, 07:55 PM
Hey T-man. Have a great trip and find lots of good stuff. We're looking forward to your posts. Are you taking your laptop with you so you can post on the road? 8)

01-14-2011, 09:51 PM
Channelmaniac from the old place-----lives in Mesquite--not far from Dallas/Fort Worth. You might give him a shout and he might be able to give you some spots you can hunt at.

Channelmaniac, at least back in 12-20-2010 when he sent me a PM me once, was supposedly living at that time at least, in Lewisville, right next to Dallas and on I35. It was only one PM so I could have gotten it wrong. I live off of US75 myself, which runs parallel about 45 miles to the east from I35.

Hope that Mel does take a laptop along. As far ad Dealy Plaza goes, I'd be surprised if one of Dallas' finest didn't run you off asap. martin

Jeff (or)
01-15-2011, 02:25 AM
Have a safe trip and make some great finds. :yes:

01-15-2011, 03:24 AM
We're looking forward to your posts. Are you taking your laptop with you so you can post on the road? 8)

Howdy Kimster!
You bet I'd take my laptop. Oh, wait... I don't have one! Pipster does though, so we'll see what we can do while on the trail. Gotta find them wifi hotspots. There are places between here and there where you ain't likely to find any wifi. Some stretches down there don't have cellular either. I've heard some are still running on party lines!
(am I giving away my age here?)

Anyhow, we'll do what we can, just can't bet on doing much!


01-15-2011, 10:54 AM
We are a little more advanced than the tin cans and string between them. :rolleyes:

If you are close to a highway, near a Starbucks or public library you might be able to get a free tap into their Wi-Fi connection. ;) Most motels and hotels have the same.

01-15-2011, 11:50 AM
Howdy Folks!
Time is running out, and in about 6 or 8 hours, we'll be headed south and somewhat easterly.
Those of you folks who want to meet up, drop a line directly to [email protected] and provide
your phone number and I can call you from the road. I can get email on my Android phone just
fine, and don't want anybody to incur any long distance charges.

Okay, I got stuff to do and little time to git it done.


01-15-2011, 02:22 PM
I suspect you won't get here in the area then until sometime late tomorrow. Be careful of the Denton Texas motor cops. They are thick as thieves over there. I'm a believer in a good radar detector myself, even if you aren't an avid speeder. Cops seem to get you on the oddest actions of the slightest speeds. Oh well, y'all be safe on the road. I assume that you aren't on any schedule. I like trips like that. You may very well pass within a mile of my homestead, depending on how you route yourself toward Quinlan. BTW, Quinlan is known for their police force too. You outta-staters will look good to them ;-) Watch your e-mail Mel. Will you guys be running a GPS? martin

Nitro 54
01-15-2011, 02:32 PM
Have a good :sleepy: trip M-T thumbsup01

01-15-2011, 04:22 PM
BTW, Quinlan is known for their police force too. You outta-staters will look good to them ;-) Watch your e-mail Mel. Will you guys be running a GPS? martin

Howdy Martin!
You betcha we'll be running GPS. I never leave home without it.
As for cops, I usually get along well with them. I ain't one to speed, and am darn careful when out of state.
That being said, if I do get stopped or ticketed, that's when their nightmare begins. I don't just settle for paying a ticket without speaking up! I know a few things about tickets and how to fight for my own rights in court. While most folks just take the ticket and pay it without an uprising, I tend to be pretty good at taking a stand. If they want my money, they'll surely have to earn it. I just don't go down easy!


01-15-2011, 04:26 PM
Howdy Martin!
You betcha we'll be running GPS. I never leave home without it.
As for cops, I usually get along well with them. I ain't one to speed, and am darn careful when out of state.
That being said, if I do get stopped or ticketed, that's when their nightmare begins. I don't just settle for paying a ticket without speaking up! I know a few things about tickets and how to fight for my own rights in court. While most folks just take the ticket and pay it without an uprising, I tend to be pretty good at taking a stand. If they want my money, they'll surely have to earn it. I just don't go down easy!


Whack'em with the V3i if they get testy ;-) It's gotta be good for that task at least. martin

01-15-2011, 05:04 PM
Howdy Folks!
Ya know, after seeing videos for the AT Pro from Garrett, and since we'll be in Texas anyhow,
I am thinking to maybe drop by their facility and check 'em out!


01-15-2011, 05:21 PM
Howdy Folks!
Ya know, after seeing videos for the AT Pro from Garrett, and since we'll be in Texas anyhow,
I am thinking to maybe drop by their facility and check 'em out!


I've never been there, even though I know a lot about that part of Garland. Well, my Garmin does ;-) Word of advice,,,plan your interior Dallas runs away from rush hour traffic. Mid mornings after 9 and early afternoons after 1PM are best. It would be fun visiting Garretts. martin

01-15-2011, 09:36 PM
Howdy Folks!
We just hit Lamar and making good time burning up highway.


01-16-2011, 09:46 AM
Howdy Kimster!
You bet I'd take my laptop. Oh, wait... I don't have one! Pipster does though, so we'll see what we can do while on the trail. Gotta find them wifi hotspots. There are places between here and there where you ain't likely to find any wifi. Some stretches down there don't have cellular either. I've heard some are still running on party lines!
(am I giving away my age here?)

Anyhow, we'll do what we can, just can't bet on doing much!


Not a Texas resident but noticed on my last trip through that state that they have rest areas about the size of a small city and they offer free WiFi.

01-18-2011, 02:21 AM
Howdy Folks!
Rain yesterday and very tough to get internet here.
Hunted today in Dallas. Got 160 coins in clad and a 925 silver bracelet. Pics will barrage wait till we get home.

Also... went to Garland and visited the Garretts factory. Got video of that.

Plan to head down to Houston tomorrow. Dimeman needs to check email!

Much to post when I get home.


01-18-2011, 02:54 PM
I am going to see M-T and Pipster !!!!!!!!! :beerbuddy:

01-18-2011, 09:35 PM
I am going to see M-T and Pipster !!!!!!!!! :beerbuddy:

Lock your doors and don't let them in until they pay the Silver entrance fee :grin: lol

01-18-2011, 10:04 PM
Lock your doors and don't let them in until they pay the Silver entrance fee :grin: lol

Pipster is still north visiting with his relatives, but M-T came and we visited a few hours. I enjoyed his detecting stories of gold and silver finds and he showed me some items he has been finding along his trip, and a few finds he had brought to show. :drool: :drool:

He is another fine gentleman in the hobby, and I was glad he stopped by to chat, :grin:, on his way to Galveston beach. I told him the best location to possibly locate gold while on the beach. With his past successes in locating gold jewelry, I am sure he will dig a couple of gold items on the beach.

:beerbuddy: :beerbuddy:

01-18-2011, 10:51 PM
Hey Robbie!
If I get done at the Gulf early enough, how bout we do some hunting on my way back?

Are you up for that?
