View Full Version : Hunt the Whirlwind!

01-03-2011, 01:54 AM
Howdy Folks!
Here is an oldie but a goodie from back in July of 2009!

I started out to scout the Virginia Dale station up north of Fort Collins. It was an old stage stop along the Overland Trail. It serviced stage coaches, wagon trains, and others travelling west toward California. Folks were frequently attacked by outlaws in the vincinity, and there is a tallish mountain that was used as a hide-out by highwaymen. It is believed that outlaws cached some of their ill-gotten booty somewhere on Robber's Roost, as it came to be known. The station manager was one Jack Slade, who many suspect was in cahoots with the outlaw bands in the vicinity. Later on, Jack Slade became known as the infamous outlaw Black Jack Slade. What I found on my arrival is that many of the old buildings remain standing, and I will try to get permission to hunt the Virginia Dale Station later, and possibly try to get access to the Robber's Roost as well.

Then I kept going north to Laramie. The first tot lot I found was in a local park and it gave up a whole bunch of coins in fairly short time. My second stop was another park, and it gave up coins and small jewelry items. In particular to my interest was an earring that is stamped 10k! GOLD!!!! My hunting was slowed by the waves of rain that drifted over the area. It would be raining one minute, then clear the next!

It is the third stop that raises some issues. I drove west several miles to a school that looked good, and I was going to drive to the corner and turn a 180 and return to park so I could hunt the 4 tot lots covered in wood chips. But when I got to the corner, I noticed a nice park about a block away. I decided to check it out. The Kiwanis Park also had a sizable playground covered in wood chips and I decided to hunt that before trying the school I'd passed earlier.

As I started hunting, there was a light drizzle coming down. When I went around the west side of the tot lot structure, the wind came up suddenly and loudly! My Koss headphones fit my skull fairly tightly, but the wind ripped them from my head along with my hat. The headset fell up! Before my bewildered eyes, the headphones (with the hat still stuck between the earphones) was floating some 3 feet or so above my head. I recall thinking to myself Well, there's something ya don't see everyday!

I had to pull them down to me using the cord to reel them in. It was while I was thus engaged that I noticed how horrific loud the wind was. And I also noticed there was a funnel almost directly above me. It was difficult to keep my footing as the powerful wind ripped at me with a pure fury.

Once I got the headphones back down from dangling above me, I got myself under the tot lot structure to seek refuge from the wind. Wood chips were swirling around, 6 to 10 feet above the surface. Some of them, whipped by the wind, hit me and stung my skin. As I looked out at the whirlpool of chips dancing in the wind, I recall thinking There's another thing ya don't see everyday!

I stayed put while the tot lot structure shook around me and wondered how well anchored the darn thing was. Eventually the wind died down and I came back out into a light rain to complete searching this playground. Once that was done, I headed for my car and noticed that several trees in the park had been either split in half or knocked down entirely. It did not dawn on me that a tornado had just passed over my head. I was distracted by my annoyance at the constant interruption from the weather to my hunt.

After going back to the school, about a block away, and finding little there, I decided to get myself home to Aurora. That's when I noticed that city workers were busily removing other trees and branches that had been knocked down by the whirlwind. They had trucks, wood chippers, and a back hoe. I stopped to tell the foreman that there were damanged trees in the park. He thanked me and I drove back in the direction of I-80. A police officer was directing traffic because all the traffic lights were out of service. I chatted with him and learned a tree had fallen across the power lines and left that part of Laramie without any electric power.

My wife, upon hearing my tale, asked whether I was frightened by the twister passing close over my head. I told her no, because I was simply too annoyed at being stopped from hunting by a blustery wind!

Anyhow, my best take was a 10k gold earring. I also found a bracelet that looks silver but ain't. I got a 2007 Canadian penny and several other small jewelry items along with 137 clad coins.

My take that day was:
16 Quarters = $4.00
18 Nickels = $0.40
27 Dimes = $2.70
76 Pennies = $0.76
Total = $7.86
Coin Count = 137 coins.

Thanks for Lookin, and hope you enjoy the photos!
I know there will be some folks who will not believe this story, but it is totally true. Ya can't make this stuff up! I'd find it difficult to believe my own self, had it not happened to me!


Salty Dog
01-03-2011, 06:41 AM
Good read Mel,I must have missed that one on the other channel :popcorn:,did the operation happen yet?

01-03-2011, 09:38 AM
Good read Mel,I must have missed that one on the other channel :popcorn:,did the operation happen yet?

Howdy Salty!
The answer to your question is no. Surgery did NOT happen Friday.
I got up and went down there Friday morning, got all trussed up with all the preop stuff,
Fashionably attired in one of them hospital gowns that shows off your backside,
and was ready to rock and roll. But no, I didn't have surgery.

Seems they were unable to locate a vein to start an I.V.
Not that they could be faulted for trying. They tried to stick an obvious tendon in my wrist.
Couldn't get blood out of that. So they tried another tendon in the same wrist. Couldn't get
blood there either. So they tried the other wrist, and eventually tried my foot. Etc, etc, etc.
Considering their inability to do something as simple and routine as starting an I.V. line, I
wasn't about to let them move on to more complicated stuff, like regulating drugs going into
my system or hacking at the innard parts of my knee.

Right now I am waiting with a real high level of anticipation. I am white hot angry and
can't wait to wade into the administrative people who run that clinic and give them a
real good dose of my Irish ire.

Sorry, I digress. Guess the short answer is no. I didn't have the surgery I anticipated so
eagerly these several months, thanks to incompetency among their staff!


01-03-2011, 11:03 AM
Nice story Mel, you certainly are a storyteller lol That makes two of us...

I was in a mountain twister in your neck of the woods about 20 yrs ago (Goldhill, Colorado). I worked up there at 9,000 ft @ a summer camp as backpacking instructor. One day between trips, I was helping a co-worker sort beads in the arts-n-crafts tee-pee (30 ft diameter) when we heard a 'train' coming.

At first we thought a group of kids were messing with us, howling like ghosts outside and flapping the canvas of the tee-pee but it got louder and louder--- suddenly the whole tee-pee got sucked up and thrown/pushed over a few hundred feet! It was gone as soon as it had come and we found ourselves wrapped up in the canvas w/ 30 ft lodge poles on top of us!

:blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye:

Later, I was standing farther up the hill by the main lodge, I could see the path of where the twister had traveled- trees gnarled and broken and the spot where the tee-pee had previously sat. Scariest thing ever happen to me! :shocked04:stretcher:

I do believe your story thumbsup01

Love your pics...

01-03-2011, 11:38 AM
Nice story Mel, you certainly are a storyteller lol That makes two of us...
I was in a mountain twister in your neck of the woods about 20 yrs ago (Goldhill, Colorado).

Howdy Tanacat!
Yeah, these mountain twisters ain't as fearsome as those that hit back east or down toward Oklahoma. Still, they can be deadly if one isn't careful.

Gold hill was a real pretty place. At least it used to be. This past summer there was a real bad forest fire up there, and it got wiped out. Too bad, because I always hankered to detect up that way one fine day. Maybe now would be even better, considering the little community got burnt up. I haven't been up there since to check on the status of the town, but the local news gave every indication that it is now an ex-town.


01-03-2011, 11:43 AM
Dorthy dont have nothing on that one Mel, :happydance01: good luck with the knife it just don look like that surgery wants to happen :stretcher:

01-03-2011, 11:54 AM
Dorthy dont have nothing on that one Mel, :happydance01: good luck with the knife it just don look like that surgery wants to happen :stretcher:

Howdy Dale!
Oh, how anxiously I awaited Monday morning. I've spent most of the early part of my day calling complaints to the clinic administration, to the folks at Workman's Comp, and I also want to arrange an appointment with my surgeon to let him know my sentiments and hear my complaint!

Yeah, amigo... I'm on a roll this morning!

But on the bright side, it's garbage day. And you know how dearly I look forward to garbage day! I was out bright and early putting the trash to the curb. Saw other folks out doing likewise, dressed in gaily colored night wear, waved and joined in with the festive atmosphere that always comes on garbage day. It's a real treat and a highlight of my week.


01-03-2011, 02:01 PM
whoa. that is crazy.. good thing you arent a skinny fella

01-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Gold hill was a real pretty place. At least it used to be. This past summer there was a real bad forest fire up there, and it got wiped out.

Yes it's very sad... Colorado Mtn Ranch is about 1/4 mile up the road, they're rebuilding it now. I've been helping with $ donations.

01-03-2011, 06:25 PM
Yes it's very sad... Colorado Mtn Ranch is about 1/4 mile up the road, they're rebuilding it now. I've been helping with $ donations.

Howdy Tanacat!
Wow, good on you! Way to go. That's a real good heart you have there.
I thought you'd enjoy the photos of Gold Hill, as it used to be, maybe to help spawn a little nostalgia.
Trouble with nostaliga though is that it ain't what it used to be!


01-03-2011, 06:43 PM
Howdy Tanacat!
Wow, good on you! Way to go. That's a real good heart you have there.
I thought you'd enjoy the photos of Gold Hill, as it used to be, maybe to help spawn a little nostalgia.
Trouble with nostaliga though is that it ain't what it used to be!

Those are fantastic shots- thanks for sharing them! I spent a lot of time at the Inn :beerbuddy: I worked up there 3 summers... I wonder exactly what the damage is there in Goldhill. Population of 118 when I lived there. Didn't mean to hi-jack your thread. I'll Pm you later to chat about good 'ol Colorado :)

01-03-2011, 07:37 PM
Those are fantastic shots- thanks for sharing them! I spent a lot of time at the Inn :beerbuddy: I worked up there 3 summers... I wonder exactly what the damage is there in Goldhill. Population of 118 when I lived there. Didn't mean to hi-jack your thread. I'll Pm you later to chat about good 'ol Colorado :)

Howdy Tanacat!
I don't feel like the thread is hijacked in the least. It's all good in my humble little opinion.
Perhaps I'll drive up to Gold Hill and see what it looks like now. Of course I'd bring a camera and get some shots while up there. Maybe it ain't as bad as the news reports claimed. Then again, it could be a total wipeout! Who knows, maybe I can get a shot at detecting while up there.


01-03-2011, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the funny story rehash again a good read. Thanx MT

01-09-2011, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the funny story rehash again a good read. Thanx MT

Howdy Chris!
And thank you for being a part of the American Detectorist Forum!
Now you enjoy that day of boarding, and be safe out there amigo!


Nitro 54
01-09-2011, 12:26 PM
It's a good thing you never lost any weight, that whirly sucker would've picked you right up :shocked04: :shocked04:stretcher: That would have been to close for comfort...