View Full Version : Masonic
12-31-2010, 04:42 AM
I have tried to figure out what this is but as of yet I haven't, I found it this spring in a park that was excavated a few years back soon after our first thaw this year. I am sure it's at least as old as 1920 cause it was right with remnants from a dump that was there before they made it Upjohn park in 1920. There was also a lot of ash in the area I found it. It looks Masonic but most of the mason's that have seen it say they don't really know what it is.
12-31-2010, 05:59 AM
Hi Larry, Just a long shot but I searched D.A. Potter and came up with this.
12-31-2010, 08:03 AM
Hi Larry, Just a long shot but I searched D.A. Potter and came up with this.
Wow that is neat, the same Initials and last name along with the masonic cancer hospital. I wonder if he had a great grandfather with the same initials?
12-31-2010, 09:06 AM
I'm a lifelong Mason.
There is no doubt that the coin is Masonic in origin. Many of the symbols are easily recognizable to members of the order.
There is a book entitled, The True Masonic Chart, Or Hieroglyphic Monitor that might help a bit. I'll admit that it's a bit boring, but is at least interesting...albeit a bit outdated.
Here's a link: The True Masonic Chart, Or, Hieroglyphic Monitor by Jeremy L. Cross (1826) (
He looks like he may be old enough, it could be his! Maybe he grew up in Michigan. :shocked04:
Nitro 54
12-31-2010, 11:56 AM
Sweet find thumbsup01 :smitten: Send the pic's to the guy in Steves link and maybe he'll know what you have Larry .. :interesting:
12-31-2010, 12:14 PM
Yep i like that find Larry
Good luck on the research...let us know what you find out
Glad you got it narrowed down Lar...pretty cool to have someone's name etched on it thumbsup01
P Side
01-02-2011, 07:59 AM
Yea it has the square, I'd say masonic.
01-02-2011, 03:18 PM
He looks like he may be old enough, it could be his! Maybe he grew up in Michigan. :shocked04:
For a minute there I thought you were talking about Lowjiber, our resident Mason!! :teasing: :poke: :boxing:
Carl in Louisiana
01-02-2011, 07:32 PM
I would say definitely Masonic, my Dad was a Mason I did have his ring but after moving several times it got lost in the shuffle. :bangahead01: :bangahead01:
A Great find there Larry.....can I have it lol lol I remember Groundsnooper saying that all the time lol.
For a minute there I thought you were talking about Lowjiber, our resident Mason!! :teasing: :poke: :boxing:
No i was not commenting on the age of brother Lowjiber. And he's not yer only one!
thumbsup01 thumbsup01 thumbsup01 thumbsup01 thumbsup01
The U.L.F. is a clandestine organization, membership in which usually results in expulsion for regular Masons. I know of no regular Grand Lodge that acknowledges the U.L.F.
This could be the letters on the one side. I'm not familiar with the U.L.F.
Universal League of Freemasons.
Found this quote from a letter.
Searching Masonic U.L.F. :grin:
01-04-2011, 01:16 PM
Howdy Pard!
Regardless of other considerations, have you checked to see what may have existed on that site before? Was there a Masonic lodge in the vincinity? Was there a homestead? Who owned the property in times past? The local library might have a geneological section, and maybe they'd have information on D.A. Potter.
Just a few ideas to get your juices flowing and maybe find the answer.
Whatever the case, that's one heckuva find amigo!
Wish I could be more helpful.
The markings do look very much Masonic, but there are some that don't quite fit the motiff. The bows and arrows, for example, are not what I'd expect to see on Masonic items.
You got a real good one there pardner! Good luck finding an answer!
01-04-2011, 07:19 PM
I was even thinking maybe it was an offshoot masonic order for the Potawanomi Indians that are native to this area.
Jeff (or)
01-05-2011, 11:46 PM
Very cool find, should have a interesting history!! WTG!!! :happydance01:
01-06-2011, 04:55 PM
holy baalew. thats one awesome find ....congrats big time
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