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View Full Version : Hello Survivors!

12-28-2010, 01:46 PM
Howdy Folks!
Imagine my surprise when I logged in over here today to find so many familiar names of folks who have migrated from elsewhere. Guess I ain't the only person from elsewhere to find this fine forum.
Looks like it will become the place to be!

A big welcome howdy to Channelmaniac, Judy, Pulltab Steve, Dimeman, and everybody else who have survived havoc on the net to arrive on this forum. Good to see you all, and if I missed your handle, it ain't no affront. I just got a mind like a steel screen... Stuff falls through.

Happy New Year and Brightest Blessings of the Season,

12-28-2010, 02:08 PM
Hi Mel,

Lots of familiar people I see on here. ;)

12-28-2010, 06:35 PM
Welcome from a California Beach Digger! 8)

12-28-2010, 08:18 PM
Welcome M-T.

Looking forward to your posts.

12-28-2010, 10:34 PM
Hope things are going good for you Mel! We really need to hook up at some point. Happy New Year!

12-28-2010, 10:54 PM
things are swell mel

Napa Steve
12-28-2010, 11:42 PM
What do ya say Mel, Its great to have you here :poke: :poke: :poke:

12-28-2010, 11:42 PM
Hey Mel good to see You ! Lots of Us are here :peace: :beerbuddy:


wagon wheel
12-29-2010, 07:51 AM
Hey Mel...It's quite the migration isn't it!!! Hope all goes well with your pending knee surgery. thumbsup01 thumbsup01


Carl in Louisiana
12-29-2010, 08:21 AM
Hey M.T. good to see you here :peace:

12-29-2010, 08:52 AM
The migration continues ;) Good to see so many of my favorites.
This is a kool place!

12-29-2010, 09:03 AM
Howdy Mel it's good to see all the oldtimers who recently haven't been posting on the other forum and many of them not so recent which was a treat in itself. I found this spot doing a google search and honestly had no idea whatsoever but this is one great forum for sure especially being as young as it is. The best of luck to you and yours and happy new year.

12-29-2010, 09:47 AM
I found this spot doing a google search and honestly had no idea whatsoever but this is one great forum for sure especially being as young as it is.

Thanks giant056. thumbsup01 You guys (and girls) will notice we do things a bit different here. We don't allow fighting or degrading of members or any other junk like that. We also don't allow any random bashing of brands. We do however allow comparisons, observations and honest opinions as long as they are truthful, and civil. I don't post on many forums because it's like the vultures come out of the woodwork when you say something about a particular machine. We try and have fun here. We are also very happy to see some really nice people joining here recently :clapping:

12-29-2010, 10:16 AM
Greetings Mel....wondered when you woud show back up....

I saw some of your posts from ealier in the year so knew you had been traveling through....

Wish you the best for your pending surgery...and a Happier New Year with your knee all fixed up...


12-29-2010, 11:01 AM
Thanks giant056. thumbsup01 You guys (and girls) will notice we do things a bit different here. We don't allow fighting or degrading of members or any other junk like that. We also don't allow any random bashing of brands. We do however allow comparisons, observations and honest opinions as long as they are truthful, and civil. I don't post on many forums because it's like the vultures come out of the woodwork when you say something about a particular machine. We try and have fun here. We are also very happy to see some really nice people joining here recently :clapping:

Hi Mel :beerbuddy: :beerbuddy: Great place here :peace: :peace:

EXACTLY why I'm liking this place Coinnut!!! This place is very friendly indeed,,,,It feels like home to me :beerbuddy: :beerbuddy: :beerbuddy: :beerbuddy: :happydance01: :happydance01:

12-29-2010, 03:20 PM
Nice to see you here Mel. Your posts will be great reading, as they always have been.

12-29-2010, 03:39 PM
Welcome from the hollers of Kentucky! :)

Looking forward to seeing your finds, hearing your stories and getting to know ya!

12-30-2010, 12:48 AM
Hi Mel.....It's a small world ..... good to see you here.... And will enjoy reading your posts...I wish you well and happy hunting.. thumbsup01 thumbsup01

12-30-2010, 12:52 AM
Hey there Mel :) It is great to see you here!

Glad you made this your new home :happydance01:

Nitro 54
12-30-2010, 09:45 AM
We don't stay lost forever M-T lol lol

12-30-2010, 12:24 PM
Hey Mel welcome :beerbuddy: :grin:

12-30-2010, 12:50 PM
good to hear from ya Mel, keep us posted on the knee surgery and bring home the Goooold!!!!

12-30-2010, 08:39 PM

Howdy Folks!
Tomorrow is the big day. I should be in surgery at 9:45 tomorrow morning.
They want me there at 8:15 a.m. Since the weather got bad, I might need to leave real early to get there because the roads are awful right now.


Ya'll know that I was really looking forward to getting this whole knee issue behind me without having it drag into another year. I really wanted this thing to be a 'done deal' by now, but it ain't.

I showed up and got all prepped and ready for surgery, but they couldn't find a vein. They really hurt me pretty bad with their failed attempt to start an I.V. Trust me when I say that I've been stuck plenty over 61 years of living, but nothing ever hurt like this episode. First one nurse tried her hand on my left wrist, failed, then tried again. Meanwhile, I was kidding with her about being unable to start a line. Then another nurse tried her hand. What she did was positively brutal. The pain was beyond belief. And she still managed to fail getting a line going. My confidence level was dropping like a stone as they decided to get somebody better qualified to start an I.V. They got the gas passer (anestesiologist) try his luck. He did amost a horrific job on the left wrist as the other nurse did on the right. Enough was enough and I told them I wanted to reschedule. The surgeon came in and talked with me and convinced me to give the gas passer one more try, this time going for the foot. I agreed with great reluctance, and he came back and stuck my foot. Once again, little to my surprise, he failed. I told them I was ready to get dressed.

I hobbled out of there looking like the more gruesome scenes from the movie Stigmata! I've been stuck plenty over 61 years, but never been hurt like this before. Voodoo dolls receive better and more gentle treatment.

And my confidence that they'd do a great job in surgery was shaken by their ability (or lack thereof) to start a simple I.V. line despite me being a 'tough stick'.

Now my humor is somewhat glum, and I start the new year knowing I still have this feldercarb looming in front of me.

My intention is to have my own personal doctor get his people to start a line and put in a butterfly valve the night before my next surgery date so I don't get abused further. Just go in with the plumbing already installed, ready to go, idiot proof. Then get ready to let the idiots do their thing while I'm unconscious.


12-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to meeting all those here and old friends that arrived before me.

12-30-2010, 09:25 PM
Hey Mel,

I was just a newbie over on the on the other site but there was just too much drama over there for me to really want to get involved. I stumbled on to this site a few weeks ago and although I'm not a big poster, I do like to hang out, listen and learn.


12-30-2010, 10:14 PM
Mel: Best wishes for tomorrow. I hope the surgery goes well. Keep us posted.

12-31-2010, 07:30 PM
Howdy Folks!
Again, a big welcome to all those souls who survived the chaos elsewhere on the net.
I am totally delighted to see ya'll here. Especially the newer folks who walked right into the storm happening there.

I've sent a physical letter, priority mail, restricted delivery so the C.E.O. is the only person who can sign for it, and explained what's going on and how customers are walking away. Don't know if it will help, but if everybody did that, things might turn around on that other site.

Meanwhile, this is one fantastic forum. I believe we call can find safe harbor here, and feel confident that nobody is going to be subjected to name calling or abuse that was becoming commonplace elsewhere.
This is a great forum, run by great people, and they'll treat everybody right.

So I hope everyone is enjoying this forum, having fun and maybe even writing letters. First to the old forum owner to let them know whats up there, and to the folks who run this forum here to express their appreciation for this wonderful forum. These folks are going a great job here, and should be commended!


12-31-2010, 11:37 PM
Howdy Folks!
Again, a big welcome to all those souls who survived the chaos elsewhere on the net.
I am totally delighted to see ya'll here. Especially the newer folks who walked right into the storm happening there.

I've sent a physical letter, priority mail, restricted delivery so the C.E.O. is the only person who can sign for it, and explained what's going on and how customers are walking away. Don't know if it will help, but if everybody did that, things might turn around on that other site.

Meanwhile, this is one fantastic forum. I believe we call can find safe harbor here, and feel confident that nobody is going to be subjected to name calling or abuse that was becoming commonplace elsewhere.
This is a great forum, run by great people, and they'll treat everybody right.

So I hope everyone is enjoying this forum, having fun and maybe even writing letters. First to the old forum owner to let them know whats up there, and to the folks who run this forum here to express their appreciation for this wonderful forum. These folks are going a great job here, and should be commended!


It never hurts to send a letter, but sometimes even that doesn't help. Thanks for the kind remarks about our forum. :embarrassed: I hope White's straightens out their site, White's has had enough bruises this past year. If they really want to get their PR in a good light, they need to hire me lol I'd run through the place and get rid of all the riff raff and reward the smart people lol Sounds easy, but it never fails that businesses just keep promoting the brown nosers and troublemakers rofl

12-31-2010, 11:40 PM
Howdy Folks!
Again, a big welcome to all those souls who survived the chaos elsewhere on the net.
I am totally delighted to see ya'll here. Especially the newer folks who walked right into the storm happening there.

I've sent a physical letter, priority mail, restricted delivery so the C.E.O. is the only person who can sign for it, and explained what's going on and how customers are walking away. Don't know if it will help, but if everybody did that, things might turn around on that other site.

Meanwhile, this is one fantastic forum. I believe we call can find safe harbor here, and feel confident that nobody is going to be subjected to name calling or abuse that was becoming commonplace elsewhere.
This is a great forum, run by great people, and they'll treat everybody right.

So I hope everyone is enjoying this forum, having fun and maybe even writing letters. First to the old forum owner to let them know whats up there, and to the folks who run this forum here to express their appreciation for this wonderful forum. These folks are going a great job here, and should be commended!


Thanks M-T :)

Also thank you, and all the other new members too, for the kind words about the forum. We hope to make this a welcome place for everyone and we love making new friends :happydance01: :happydance01:

01-01-2011, 08:56 AM
Hi Mel
Good to see ya posting over here,looks like the survivors were all washed up in the shores of a new forum :grin:

Dixie Rebel
01-02-2011, 07:42 PM
Welcome Mel.

01-03-2011, 01:44 PM
back at ya Mel, good luck with the knife.......

doc brown
01-08-2011, 07:22 AM
Hey Mel - Glad to be back with you. With you the best for and keep us posted.

Civil War Nut
01-09-2011, 02:48 AM
Hidy MT. I here I thank !

01-09-2011, 10:37 AM
Hidy MT. I here I thank !

Howdy Pard!
I think you am! Welcome aboard amigo!
Glad you found your way to greener pasture.
Just hitch up, fill a rocker on the porch, kick your boots off an enjoy a cuppa coffee.
The view from here is considerable better these days.


01-15-2011, 12:10 AM
thanks mel for hooking me up, there sure are a lot of peeps from the dark side of the moon. glad to be back in the loop.

01-15-2011, 03:36 AM
thanks mel for hooking me up, there sure are a lot of peeps from the dark side of the moon. glad to be back in the loop.

Howdy Amigo!
I was beginning to wonder if you'd be coming along! Great to see you on this wonderful forum.
The American Detectorist is about the best on the net. Certainly better than what's become of our old stomping ground. Some of us just don't hanker much to become corporate clones. We also ain't interested in being used as cannon fodder for the guns of demigods.

Rather than scratch them scabs, just let me say I am really delighted you've joined us on a forum where you can be yourself without spending your whole time walking on eggshells. The folks who ride herd on this bunch are just wonderful and pretty much leave folks alone. Except on Tuesdays, because they bowl on Wednesdays!

Seriously though, you've joined a most excellent forum, and it won't take long before you feel right at home!


Poker Jim
01-15-2011, 02:12 PM
Thanks for keeping me updated on the happenings online Mel. I gotta say, this forum looks to be a great place. It is good to see all the familiar handles out there and I can't wait to get the new ones.

Poker Jim

01-16-2011, 01:37 AM
hoh yeah... :beerbuddy:

Three Ringer
01-16-2011, 12:24 PM
Hi Mel,

I used to go by PhotoJoe on another forum although I didn't post very often. I did read it a lot and learned much from you, Cyber, Evan, Neil, and others.

Good luck with you knee surgery. I had surgery on one of my knees to repair a torn meniscus 10 years ago and the same surgery on the other knee 5 years ago. Now they are both good as new!


02-20-2011, 03:14 PM
Welcome comeback team like family thumbsup01

02-20-2011, 03:47 PM
Good luck with you knee surgery. I had surgery on one of my knees to repair a torn meniscus 10 years ago and the same surgery on the other knee 5 years ago. Now they are both good as new!

Howdy Joe!
Welcome to the AD forum! Good to see you here.
As for surgery, that happened back on January 25th, and it is getting better day by day.
Still, 3 weeks after surgery, I have a large bruise on the back of my leg from the heel to about 4 inches above the knee. I keep wondering if that's normal, but the doc didn't seem too surprised on my last visit.

Anyhow, I am returning to work gradual like, and doing some detecting along the way.
I figure by the nice days of Spring and Summer, I should be right as rain!

Thanks for posting!
