View Full Version : 2 Rosie dimes

11-26-2010, 11:16 AM
Went back for another morning hunt... went back over a couple areas where I've found silver at this park, and found 2 more rosies, Deep and iffy's between 10 & 12 inches.. I was expecting Mercs, not Rosies that deep.. both were about 2 feet from each other.

11-26-2010, 12:13 PM
Very nice! :peace:

You pulled those from an impressive depth. Hard to believe you found rosies that deep. If I dug a 12 inch hole... I'd definitely think I was getting a couple of seated coins. I really don't think I've gotten silver any deeper than 8-9 inches.

Lately you have been making a very nice run on silver. I might just go out tomorrow and see if I can grab a few more before the end of the year.


11-26-2010, 01:08 PM
Hey, nice hit on them deep Roosevelts. You are definitely in a filled in area though. Probably 6+ inches of new dirt on top of the old dirt. Just imagine what lies below them Roosies :crying02: You were lucky to get them at that depth. I think you have figured out what the deep, iffy targets sound like. :clapping: Congrats :beerbuddy:

11-26-2010, 01:58 PM
Hey, nice hit on them deep Roosevelts. You are definitely in a filled in area though. Probably 6+ inches of new dirt on top of the old dirt. Just imagine what lies below them Roosies :crying02: You were lucky to get them at that depth. I think you have figured out what the deep, iffy targets sound like. :clapping: Congrats :beerbuddy:

I don't know if there is much fill, if there was fill, it was done decades ago... Its just odd, that I'll find Rosies at 10-12 inches, in the same area finding mercs at 8 inches, and the Barber half was about 8-10 inches... then I'll find Memorial cents just as deep as some of the wheaties... Its just very odd.. thats all...
I do know that at one time it must of been a field, I've found several oxen shoes as well..

11-26-2010, 02:13 PM
I don't know if there is much fill, if there was fill, it was done decades ago... Its just odd, that I'll find Rosies at 10-12 inches, in the same area finding mercs at 8 inches, and the Barber half was about 8-10 inches... then I'll find Memorial cents just as deep as some of the wheaties... Its just very odd.. thats all...
I do know that at one time it must of been a field, I've found several oxen shoes as well..

Probably just plowed then. That would account for the different depths of the items. Continuous plowing can really mix stuff up.

11-26-2010, 04:16 PM
I have a couple of places like that too. Congrats on the silver... again! :yes: thumbsup01

Jason in Enid
11-26-2010, 06:02 PM
Congrats on the sweet silvers! I always wonder why the things I dig got to the depth they are at.