View Full Version : 3x Hour Lunch Hunts - Thought I had a $2 1/2 Dollar Gold Piece..Ugh!

11-20-2010, 04:15 PM
This week I hunted at a co-worker's house during three of my lunch hours. The house was built around 1910 and last year I found an 1895O key date Barber dime in her front yard, along with several other silver, some wheats and buffalo nickels. Those hunts were last November, and I had not been back since early this spring. I wanted to go back and clean out the place as best I could hoping to reveal a few nice deep old coins. Well I didn't pull any old coins but a bunch of modern ones very shallow, amazing how much clad can be lost in one year's time.

Play money looks like gold!
One of the plugs I had a pull tab signal which was faint and quite deep, 5-6 inches. I cut a plug and pinpointed and dug a little deeper and out pops this gold looking small coin only partially revealed through the dirt on it. My heart was racing, I just sat there looked at it in the hole which was only a few feet from where I found the Barber dime last year and said please be a gold piece. Turned out to be a gold colored aluminum play money piece, very close in size to a $2 1/2 dollar coin. It sure made for a thrilling time!

Here is the lot of the finds from three hours of hunting:

11-20-2010, 05:37 PM
I probably would have done a bit of a dance before grabbing the 'coin' and finding out that it was play money. lol Now that would be embarrassing. :embarrassed: :cheesysmile: That place has been good to you in the past though, and it is still yielding plenty of clad. :yes:

11-20-2010, 08:09 PM
That kid that lost his play money needs a good whoopin' lol I can only imagine the pain :bangahead01: It would have been the first gold coin I have heard of someone finding, in quite a while. But at least you had a chance to swing the coil and get some excitement ;)

11-20-2010, 08:15 PM
One day huh! It would have really been something though. Keep at it and it will happen someday!

11-21-2010, 07:37 AM
Too bad about the fake coin :crying02:, but it least it was a thrill for a moment. That's what makes this hobby so fun :yes:

11-21-2010, 09:44 AM
That would have had me doing the same thing... several times I sat by the hole at first glimpse and did the please let it be gold chant.

One of these times it'll be true so keep digging.