11-02-2010, 10:50 AM
As many of you remember, last year I started the Clad for Kids program to help some needy families of children that my wife and I teach for Christmas. It started with me wanting to do something to help this one particular little girl in kindergarten that literally had her toes sticking out of her shoes and no winter coat. I couldn't bare the thought of what the winter and Christmas would be like for her and her family and the need to help her literally brought tears to my eyes during that weekend when I came up with Clad for Kids. Last year, the metal detecting community donated enough money to help out 4 families in fact!!! My wife and I spent every dime and bought enough clothes for each child to have 7 brand new outfits, shoes, winter coat, gas cards and yes...A wish gift! What would Christmas be without a toy:huh: 100% of all the money goes to these families and the gifts cannot be refunded or used for things that does not benefit the kids. The idea came to me from our hobby.... We all end up with a pile of dirty clad at the end of our detecting year and I thought it would be nice to help some kids with it.
I have made a couple of changes this year.... Last year I came up with this with about 2 weeks before Christmas... I wanted to get a better jump on it, so I am opening the program up for the month of NOVEMBER... This gives my wife and I the time to shop and wrap the gifts for delivery. Second, I set up a paypal account for the program!!! Last year several wanted to donate, but it all came on so quick, I didnt' get an account set up.
To donate by using PayPal.... Click the Clad for Kids logo in this post!
For those who do not want to use PayPal... Please PM me and I will give you my address to send a check or money order (This is how it all was done last year).
If you have any questions about this program, please PM me and I'll tell you all about it!
On a personal note... The I don't know of anything I've ever done in my life that has been so rewarding as what we did last year. To see that little girl and the others come to school in new clothes, new shoes, and a warm coat was a feeling I've never experienced before. The gifts were delivered to the parents (who were all very grateful and humbled) and as far as the kids knew... They were from Santa. I grew up rather poor...My mom and dad divorced when I was a little boy and I know what it is like to not have new clothes and know what it feels like to not fit in. Poverty effects us all... and for a kid it is beyond their control. I don't judge the predicament that families sometimes find themselves in... I want the kids to be taken care of. Remember, the donations do not have to be large and any amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you all!!
Click on the Clad for Kids banner to donate via PayPal!!!! (
[size=1:crazy:t]2010 Running Total $1,212.96 :cheering: We reached $1200 !!!!
I have made a couple of changes this year.... Last year I came up with this with about 2 weeks before Christmas... I wanted to get a better jump on it, so I am opening the program up for the month of NOVEMBER... This gives my wife and I the time to shop and wrap the gifts for delivery. Second, I set up a paypal account for the program!!! Last year several wanted to donate, but it all came on so quick, I didnt' get an account set up.
To donate by using PayPal.... Click the Clad for Kids logo in this post!
For those who do not want to use PayPal... Please PM me and I will give you my address to send a check or money order (This is how it all was done last year).
If you have any questions about this program, please PM me and I'll tell you all about it!
On a personal note... The I don't know of anything I've ever done in my life that has been so rewarding as what we did last year. To see that little girl and the others come to school in new clothes, new shoes, and a warm coat was a feeling I've never experienced before. The gifts were delivered to the parents (who were all very grateful and humbled) and as far as the kids knew... They were from Santa. I grew up rather poor...My mom and dad divorced when I was a little boy and I know what it is like to not have new clothes and know what it feels like to not fit in. Poverty effects us all... and for a kid it is beyond their control. I don't judge the predicament that families sometimes find themselves in... I want the kids to be taken care of. Remember, the donations do not have to be large and any amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you all!!
Click on the Clad for Kids banner to donate via PayPal!!!! (
[size=1:crazy:t]2010 Running Total $1,212.96 :cheering: We reached $1200 !!!!