View Full Version : odd find

dave in iowa
10-05-2010, 09:23 PM
yesterday i was out in a yard , very soft soil, i got a dime signal and dug my hole as usual, about 6-8 inches in diameter , so's not to hit a coin , i scooped uner the soft dirt , threw the handful on my cloth and there was a toad , good size about the size of my palm , i missed him with the digger , fortunatly , scared the hell outa me lol , anyone ever have something like that happen , wish i woulda had my camera.

10-05-2010, 09:36 PM
scared the hell outa me


... wish I would have been there for that one.

Nope, never had that happen to me yet. Although I do get a little nervous when I get a dig signal right through a mole tunnel. lol

The last school girl squeal I let out was when I detected right up to that dead rat in the yard.

10-05-2010, 09:58 PM
Had this happen with insects before but nothing like that!

10-05-2010, 10:00 PM

10-06-2010, 01:34 PM
Hasn't happened tp me yet, but now I'm nervous lol

Cheap Thrills
10-06-2010, 07:56 PM
I once had a VERY large gopher come out of a hole and start biting on my coil . I figured I'd move away from him and he would stop this foolishness but he kept following me and kept going for my feet , wouldn't stop , no matter how far I moved ( I think he was rabid). Other than that just a few harmless , friendly beetles and potato bugs.

10-07-2010, 11:04 AM
I've dug into a nest of ground wasps once glad I had gloves on..& another time I was digging next to a snake hole and I guess I scared him because he came flying out of the hole & kept going & never looked back.. lol

10-07-2010, 01:58 PM
yesterday i was out in a yard , very soft soil, i got a dime signal and dug my hole as usual, about 6-8 inches in diameter , so's not to hit a coin , i scooped uner the soft dirt , threw the handful on my cloth and there was a toad , good size about the size of my palm , i missed him with the digger , fortunatly , scared the hell outa me lol , anyone ever have something like that happen , wish i woulda had my camera.

Yeah, I'm so glad you didn't get him with your digger :smitten: I love toads. That's so wierd! I've heard of frogs going down into mud during droughts, for months at a time, but not toads! I thought they hid out under logs and such...

I've dug into a nest of ground wasps once glad I had gloves on..& another time I was digging next to a snake hole and I guess I scared him because he came flying out of the hole & kept going & never looked back.. lol

omg on the wasps!!!! :shocked04: Good thing you didn't get stung! And I bet that poor snake was more scared of you then it lol