View Full Version : Boston Silver - Part Two

10-03-2010, 09:32 PM
What a wonderful day it was for detecting! No unbearable heat or humidity to deal with. :smitten: I took advantage and headed back to the Boston park where I dug up 18 silver coins the last time I was there. I picked up from where I had left off the last time, working the trashier areas of the park in an attempt to pick up what silver there may be hiding just below the layer of trash. This time I managed to coax 14 silver coins out of the ground, two of them half dollars. :happydance01:

These alone would have made the trip worthwhile. :smitten:


It's always a pleasure to see the larger silver coins pop out of the ground. Two more Washington quarters added to the pile.


The ten silver dimes are dated 1912, 1934, 1941, 1942-D, 1943, 1945, 1946, 1949, 1950, and 1951.


I also dug about 26 wheat cents.


I had to clean this one up a bit in order to make out some details. It's a 1944 Australian penny. It's the size of a half dollar.


This World War I Victory Medal is larger than a half dollar. Information on the medal can be found HERE (http://www.history.navy.mil/medals/ww1vic.htm).


These finds are from a short Saturday hunt at a small park I hit after shallow water detecting that morning.


I hope everyone had a great weekend!


10-03-2010, 09:53 PM
Nice indeed Angel. The Barber and Walker half dollars gave me a chuckle.

10-03-2010, 10:57 PM

The silver you pull on a regular basis is just crazy. I read you post, saw the pictures and just chuckled and shook my head.

Very, very well done sir!

wild willy
10-04-2010, 04:19 AM
nice coins! i live 20miles from boston and never hunted there. give me a shout next time i have a area south of boston you could try! i know theres coins there but would take patience. i think i want to watch and learn your technigue. :blackeye: willy

leslie(nova scotia)
10-04-2010, 06:16 AM
From the land of the Bluenose.....outstanding assortment of finds. Especially the medal dewie! Congrats.

10-04-2010, 07:51 AM
Only 14 silvers - were you having a slow day? :lol: :rofl:

Just kidding. Incredible finds, as always :smitten: Just finding ONE silver half dollar would make my month. I really love the WW1 medal, too. And whatever that is to the right of the merc in the photo of your earlier detecting trip.

10-04-2010, 07:53 AM
Nice!!! apparently Barber and Walkers come in pairs...that must be my problem in not finding them.... :lol:

10-04-2010, 08:09 AM
Thanks everyone!

Nice indeed Angel. The Barber and Walker half dollars gave me a chuckle.

The thought that I had when I found mine was your recent post on the Barber and Walker halves. :lol:


The silver you pull on a regular basis is just crazy. I read you post, saw the pictures and just chuckled and shook my head.

Very, very well done sir!

Thanks, Joe! :thumbsup01:

nice coins! i live 20miles from boston and never hunted there. give me a shout next time i have a area south of boston you could try! i know theres coins there but would take patience. i think i want to watch and learn your technigue. :blackeye: willy

We can plan to get together sometime soon. :yes:

From the land of the Bluenose.....outstanding assortment of finds. Especially the medal dewie! Congrats.

Thanks, Les. Yeah, that medal sure is a nice find. Hopefully it will clean up well. :yes:

Only 14 silvers - were you having a slow day? :lol: :rofl:

Just kidding. Incredible finds, as always :smitten: Just finding ONE silver half dollar would make my month. I really love the WW1 medal, too. And whatever that is to the right of the merc in the photo of your earlier detecting trip.

You just had to say it.:lol: :lol:

I do love the half dollars! :smitten: They were sweet surprises.

Nice!!! apparently Barber and Walkers come in pairs...that must be my problem in not finding them.... :lol:


They are out there, Rob. :yes:

10-04-2010, 08:15 AM
Nice indeed Angel. The Barber and Walker half dollars gave me a chuckle.

Yeah, just about the same years on your halves!

Great silvers Angel :clapping: Now what is it in your soil up there that makes your silvers so tarnished Angel? The only ones I dig up like that here in Kentucky are my war nickels...

10-04-2010, 12:14 PM
And whatever that is to the right of the merc in the photo of your earlier detecting trip.

Sorry, but I missed this before, Angie. :embarrassed: That's a Girl Scout's pin. :yes:

Yeah, just about the same years on your halves!

Great silvers Angel :clapping: Now what is it in your soil up there that makes your silvers so tarnished Angel? The only ones I dig up like that here in Kentucky are my war nickels...

Actually, the Barber half isn't tarnished much. That's caked-on soil it has on it. The darker part is damp soil from dabbing a bit of water on it to remove some of the dirt. :yes: Much of the silver does come out without much tarnish, but those pieces that do have a good amount of it have been found at sites that have poor drainage. :yes:

10-04-2010, 01:12 PM
That was definetly worth the trip back :yes: I love seeing all the different types of coins you dig up, that Australian penny with the kangaroo really is cool.. :)

10-04-2010, 04:47 PM
Well Thank God you re-set your machine for silver again, and stopped finding them large coppers :lol: Cut us cellar hole guys some slack :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :lol: Nice hunt and the big silver is there, just like it is in every old park here. Congrats on a good trip. I knew you were up to no good, since you were too quiet lately :thinkingabout:

10-04-2010, 05:36 PM
That was definetly worth the trip back :yes: I love seeing all the different types of coins you dig up, that Australian penny with the kangaroo really is cool.. :)

That large Australian penny is a first for me. :yes: It was a nice surprise. I did think I had an old copper until I cleaned it up.

Well Thank God you re-set your machine for silver again, and stopped finding them large coppers :lol: Cut us cellar hole guys some slack :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :lol: Nice hunt and the big silver is there, just like it is in every old park here. Congrats on a good trip. I knew you were up to no good, since you were too quiet lately :thinkingabout:

:lol: My E-Trac had been experiencing silver withdrawal symptoms :lol:.

There are several other parks in Boston I would love to hit sometime. :yes: The one I worked this weekend is relatively small, but it has proven to be a good one for silver. The surface trash is a pain though. :shocked01:

10-05-2010, 07:53 PM
Being kind of a geek, I like to keep track of my finds, meager as they may be compared to yours! :kiss: I adapted a Excel spreadsheet that Z118 gave me and love it. This brings me to my question. Do you keep track of your silver by Barber, Seated, Merc, etc.?? With the awesome year you have had so far, I was just wondering what the breakdown is of your silver?
Congratz once again on an amazing hunting season!! :twirlingeyes: :drool:

10-05-2010, 09:30 PM
Being kind of a geek, I like to keep track of my finds, meager as they may be compared to yours! :kiss: I adapted a Excel spreadsheet that Z118 gave me and love it. This brings me to my question. Do you keep track of your silver by Barber, Seated, Merc, etc.?? With the awesome year you have had so far, I was just wondering what the breakdown is of your silver?
Congratz once again on an amazing hunting season!! :twirlingeyes: :drool:

I do keep track of the silver and some of the other finds. I have not kept track of the wheat cents though. I should have. :confused: Anyway, below is a snapshot of the silver and copper finds for this year and last year. :yes:


10-05-2010, 09:41 PM

That is amazing.

It's neat to see that even you have improved from last year. Hard to believe that there was even room to improve.

I can't imagine, and wait to see, what next year will bring. :shocked04:

10-05-2010, 09:56 PM

That is amazing.

It's neat to see that even you have improved from last year. Hard to believe that there was even room to improve.

I can't imagine, and wait to see, what next year will bring. :shocked04:

I very seriously doubt that I will ever surpass this year's total. :lol: I will have a lot of fun trying though. :smitten:

10-06-2010, 08:06 AM
Come on man! I see your slacking off on the Franklin Halfs!! :poke: :bop: :behave:

10-06-2010, 08:30 AM
Yes very nice finds. I would of figured that Boston being a very historical town, that many parks would be off limits. Unless it's on the outer parts of the city. I wouldn't be surprised if you found a coin or more from the 1700s.You ever visit the old cemetarys around the city. I've seen alot from the 1600's . That would be nice to find coins from that era.

10-06-2010, 08:42 AM
Come on man! I see your slacking off on the Franklin Halfs!! :poke: :bop: :behave:

I know.:lol: Those babies don't come by often. :thinkingabout:

Yes very nice finds. I would of figured that Boston being a very historical town, that many parks would be off limits. Unless it's on the outer parts of the city. I wouldn't be surprised if you found a coin or more from the 1700s.You ever visit the old cemetarys around the city. I've seen alot from the 1600's . That would be nice to find coins from that era.

I certainly would be careful about where one would detect out there. The Boston Common, for example, is off limits, as are other sites. It's the same in NYC.

I suppose that there are many old cemeteries in Boston, but of course I wouldn't ever detect in them or at any other cemetery, though I'm sure that's not what you meant. :yes:

li tom
10-06-2010, 09:48 PM
Another incredible outing from the Silver Master.In these trashy parks are you always using the Pro coil or are you using a smaller coil?I use a Sunray X-8 a lot in trashy spots with my Explorer,not too small so good depth,but not as big as the stock,so you have less targets under the coil.

10-06-2010, 11:08 PM
Another incredible outing from the Silver Master.In these trashy parks are you always using the Pro coil or are you using a smaller coil?I use a Sunray X-8 a lot in trashy spots with my Explorer,not too small so good depth,but not as big as the stock,so you have less targets under the coil.

No, I'm just an experienced semi-old detectorist :lol:.

Yes, I have been using the Pro coil exclusively. It's been on the E-Trac since I first acquired the machine. I do love the coil, but I have also considered getting a hold of a smaller one, like the Sunray X-5 Coil. :yes: How is the Sunray X-8 coil's performance? It's sounds like a good candidate as well.

li tom
10-07-2010, 11:35 PM
The Sunray X-8 , unlike the Minelab 8, is a full 8. It's pretty deep and makes it easier to hone in on good targets. I also find that the Pro will pinpoint off in trashy spots, while the Sunray rarely does. But if I were ;) ;) you , I would'nt change a thing. You can't argue with success. ;)

wild willy
10-08-2010, 12:53 AM
hey angel lets do harvard yard ! there gotta be some old coins there. my father went to harvard . do you think it would help :dontknow: willy