View Full Version : A Few Finds From A Nearby Yard

Tony Two-Cent
02-09-2024, 09:20 AM
On a whim I stopped at a house about a half mile from my home and knocked on the door. I was greeted by a very friendly 88-year-old woman who liked to talk. :-) She told me the history of her property. There had been an old house on the corner that had been burned down then bulldozed. She encouraged me to detect as much as I wanted.

There weren't a ton of finds, I think the original soil had been disturbed quite a bit. Nevertheless, I came home with a few keepers.


There's nothing like seeing the worn rim of a silver quarter in the dirt. :-)

This 1931 Canadian Cent has a small hole in it and appears to be plated. I suspect it was part of a bracelet or other jewelry.

I have found one of these 1934 Union Pacific tokens before.

Any ideas? Rubber tire 3" in diameter with a metal insert covered with glass. I'm not sure what would have been under the glass.

Thanks for looking and happy hunting! :beerbuddy:

Mr. Digger
02-09-2024, 10:48 AM
Love the Barber quarter! I think I have only found two ever.

02-09-2024, 12:34 PM
Yeah that is a nice Barber. And an old indian too. It is always nice when the owner is friendly!

Full Metal Digger
02-10-2024, 05:53 PM
Hey Tony, good to see some silver in your hand! I think those UP Tokens were handed out at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair (it was so popular it ran into 1934). Also, I think that Canadian cent was gold plated and on a coin bracelet. Great finds all! Best wishes and happy digging, Dave.

Lodge Scent
02-12-2024, 09:40 PM
Nice silver. Love the token as well!

wisconsin digger
02-15-2024, 06:57 AM
Nice finds for the new season, Just drove through southern Illinois on Saturday. Gor greeted back to Wisconsin last night with 4 inches of snow. Still amazing that the ground here is most frost free. Congrats on all those finds especially the Barber. WD

05-20-2024, 11:41 AM
Hey - I think we had compasses that were encased with a tire like that when I was a kid.......