View Full Version : Help Identifying Buckle And Button?
Mr. Eat
03-05-2023, 08:13 PM
Found These Two Artifacts In Oregon, On Some Farmland Dating Back To The 1800's. I Believe It To Be A Buckle, And A Button But Not Sure. Can Anyone Help Identify Them Please?
Front side of buckle. The buckle is 2 inches in length and 1 inch 5/8 in width.
When My Nokta Makro Simplex+ detects it the id number shows up as a solid 90. It's not magnetic and appears to have some corrosion. (the artifact is still dirty and needs more restoration)
Top side of button. It's about a size of a pea and when detected by my Simplex+ the id jumps around 55 and 60.
The button is also not magnetic.
Full Metal Digger
03-05-2023, 09:23 PM
The buckle looks like it might be made of aluminum, and perhaps more of a slide adjustment instead of a buckle. If aluminum, then most likely post-1920's. The button, on the other hand, looks very old. In the pictures, it looks like it might be bronze. With the off-center shank and somewhat crude appearance, I would say it's 1800's. I'm certainly no expert and others here may have a better opinion. Thanks for sharing and happy digging!
Mr. Eat
03-06-2023, 12:27 AM
Thank you! That's been the most useful information I've gotten so far out of all the other past metal detecting forums I asked. The "buckle" is indeed I believe to be aluminum by the light weight, shiny silver look, and yellow staining from corrosion. I expected the button to be pretty old considering I dug it up from the ground around 9 inches deep and the off center shank is definitely a dead giveaway to it's age. Thank you again for helping and happy digging to you too!
I would agree with Full Metal Digger's (Dave's) buckle assessment most aluminum items were well after the 1900's , the button is very interesting it has older type characteristics . are near the coast by any chance ?
Mr. Eat
03-07-2023, 01:21 AM
I'm 50 miles away from the ocean so more like in the city so no I guess.
I'm 50 miles away from the ocean so more like in the city so no I guess.
the reason I asked this is because the button looks Spanish to me and the western seaboard , California Oregon and even Washington had Spanish influence and settlements throughout in the 18th and 19th centuries . This button to me looks early maybe as early as the 1700's .
Mr. Eat
03-11-2023, 01:26 AM
Interesting, well I did found the button by an old Douglas fir tree dating as old as 1785. I know this because I date read the tree recently the tree is 145 inches in diameter. If you are also interested I found the button in the Willamette valley so if there was any old Spanish activity going on in the Willamette valley let me know I'll be interested to hear. I hope this information helps!
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