View Full Version : Last month's finds

09-08-2022, 08:33 AM
Hi all,

Not much in the find department worthy of a post, but I have a few goodies.

Old trashy permission - 1923 wheat and a suspender buckle (I think). Not very good with buckles/buttons. Hardest detecting area I have. It is riddled with nails. Found about 50-75 square nails in 2 hours. Multiple in each hole.

2nd photo is a park hunt - I have been finding bullets like crazy this year. Couple wheaties, old drawer pull is what I guess, toy gun.

3rd - park hunt. 1909 wheat, 40s wheats and 2 no dates

4th - permission from oldest house I detect - Sportman's button (I think these are 1830-40s). 2nd one I found at this site. Starting to dig the really iffy signals, but there are things popping up on this site again. I think the frost heave did a great job for me this last winter.

5th - 3 hour park hunt. 1896 and 1903 Indians, wheats, 39 Merc, SS ring, and an unlimited hugs charm (not silver). Good luck out there!

09-08-2022, 09:19 AM
Plenty of goodies there. You found silver, a coin from the 1800's and some relics...can't do much better than that!

09-08-2022, 02:35 PM
Some nice goodies for sure. Finds have really been getting slim in our region lately as I think I only have maybe 2 or 3 wheaties this year. Even water hunting the lake last week only netted a single clad quarter.

09-13-2022, 06:58 AM
I think that buckle is a cinch back pants buckle, they went out of style by the 1920s.
Nice haul, Darryl!

09-13-2022, 02:03 PM
Thanks guys.

Drew - Thank you for the info! Good to know and it fits the period. House was built in 1890s and tore down in the 1950s.

11-23-2022, 02:10 PM
Great finds! I love the miniature of the German P08 pistol.

wisconsin digger
11-27-2022, 06:19 PM
looks a lot like what I would post it;s been nice just to get out. Thought I was done for the year, but the weather has been pretty nice latlely. I would say those were some decent hunts with a little of everything. Thx for posting WD