View Full Version : Nickel Trifecta and some silvers at the beach!

08-05-2022, 11:19 AM
Last evening I decided to go to a beach that is always busy in an old town. With the storms that day in the area I was hoping they would scare people away so I could detect in peace. I have detected it before but never found much...maybe a few wheats in the grass areas. When I got there I saw a few swimmers so I kept to one end of the beach. This turned out to be great becuase I was able to finally figure out the place. Most of the beach is very shallow water with a sand bar going way out. I thought that this sand bar was how the entire beach was. But the area I was hunting in was a little deeper and had a rocky bottom with clay 4-10 inches below the rocks. There were targets all over the place and after 20 minutes I found a silver Rosie and was thrilled. Then a couple targets later a 1944 Mercury dime showed up. After about 3 hours I found 2 more silver rosies, a 1943 War Nik, a 1936 Buff and 2 V niks! The V nickels were are complete shock to me. One of the V's is so worn that it rang up a 9 on my Equinox. Also found a decent pile of clad with 7 wheats and a few nickels from the 1940's.

So I am very optimistic that I will have many years of enjoying this place. I have figured out (and I will certanly need to figure more out with this site) that I need to focus in the areas where the bottom is rocky. I did not find any jewelry but if I'm finding all that clad and old coins it seems reasonable to me that there is gold there. I imagine that the sand bar will shift over time and cover up some areas and perhaps uncover some areas too.

I know that this place is/has been detected. I have seen evidence of it but I'm cautiously optimistic that I might have a highly productive spot and it is apparent no one is hammering it.

It's been awhile since I pulled 5 silvers. :grin:

Thanks for looking! Jared

Tony Two-Cent
08-05-2022, 12:29 PM
Good job, Jared! It looks like you may have discovered the sweet spot. That's a LOT of coins and the five silvers is very encouraging! You're right, there has to be gold there!


08-05-2022, 02:02 PM
Nicely done Jared! It's really tough to find good spots recently, much less places where there might still be gold. I'm guessing there's likely more than a few gold signet rings around there somewhere. Good luck!

08-07-2022, 09:44 AM
It's exiting when the code is cracked! Great job, keep it up! Isn't that a quadfecta! V,buff,mem,war?

08-07-2022, 03:47 PM
It's exiting when the code is cracked! Great job, keep it up! Isn't that a quadfecta! V,buff,mem,war?

Yeah technically you are right. I guess I also found a pentafecta in pennies…wheat, king George Canadian, queen Elizabeth Canadian, copper memorial and zinc memorial. Ok the penny thing is a bit of a stretch!

08-07-2022, 04:31 PM
It's exiting when the code is cracked! Great job, keep it up! Isn't that a quadfecta! V,buff,mem,war?

Yeah technically you are right. I guess I also found a pentafecta in pennies…wheat, king George Canadian, queen Elizabeth Canadian, copper memorial and zinc memorial. Ok the penny thing is a bit of a stretch!