View Full Version : Curse Broken! Bucket Lister!

03-30-2022, 03:05 PM
Years ago, Dan/Del and George took me to my first cellar hole...and the first colonial thing (technically not colonial) I ever witnessed being found was a Nova Constellatio coin. Such an amazing, historical artifact! Google it! Well...I've waited a dozen years to finally find one...sure, mine is mostly missing and possibly the worst copper ever posted but I FOUND ONE!:lol::happydance01:
The almost month long GW curse is broken! :yahoo:

Tony Two-Cent
03-30-2022, 03:29 PM
Congrats, Drew! Heck, anybody can find a round one! Yours is unique! ;)

Its shape is a head-scratcher. I wonder if it was used for something, or is this just random mutilation? Either way, it sure is a curiosity.

03-30-2022, 04:57 PM
Hey congrats on the Nova , Drew ! a very interesting specimen too :thinkingabout::thinkingabout: purposely halved at some point (probably to make change ) but I'm with Tony on this one and think it was specifically used as something .


The Rebel
03-30-2022, 06:21 PM
Wow Drew, congrats on the Nova! Would love to know why they did that & what it was used for.

Lodge Scent
03-30-2022, 06:39 PM
Nice one Drew! I'd take a half a Nova any day. I agree with Rebel.

03-30-2022, 08:12 PM
That’s an amazing find and piece of history. Congrats!

wisconsin digger
04-01-2022, 05:37 AM
Congrats on the bucket lister. Maybe the next quest is figuring out what it was made for as I agree with the rest of the guys it looks like it was purposely made for some use. Congrats. WD

04-01-2022, 06:11 AM
https://chat.google.com/api/get_hangouts_attachment_url?url_type=FIFE_URL&attachment_token=AOe91x0iKFHiFEdMcD_QeZ1om7u9S3Tvx cl6NP1Rtj9bT_GrIEfKyYEFugnb__s7mJrF99HGkCdQ1yjLQGR hJPCW5WlsqapG0L2oRXIKgmP62tG71E9wceUJVF9R_xilp2nUD ZzmK5oGA31W_FfC85wkkAu52QCFiopS6sGFEncFpOVW0eEp6Oc 3egSncKoDQknR-dyN19BmMvmlPJOq4SorQUGzHvrc451pCRvhFweKHqVIgfWlIC0 2JYDFdyexSwk%3D&width=879&height=659
Whaddaya think?

04-01-2022, 07:13 AM
Congrats Drew! Other than gold, that would be my #1 bucket lister which unfortunately probably won't be found in the Midwest. Certainly a unique specimen. Guessing now the ice is broken you'll probably soon find a whole one. Good luck and HH!

wisconsin digger
04-04-2022, 08:07 AM
I think that coin made into a skinning device is a real solid guess. WD

04-05-2022, 05:27 PM
Congrats on the coin Drew, I never heard of Nova Constellatio before, so I looked it up. I keep learning about all these cool things you guys find and post on here.