View Full Version : Door Knocking with Tony & Noah

Digger Don
10-31-2021, 03:43 PM
Saturday, Noah and I met up with Tony Two-Cent in central Illinois for some door knocking. Man, it's getting tough out there We started out with a bunch of no door answers. As the day went on, we did get several yeses and some were great looking yards, just no old coins and in a couple of yards no coins at all!!
Good news is, none of us got skunked and Tony dug himself a bucket lister.
All in all it was a good day hunting with friends and I think we all still had fun.

Here are my finds from our hunt


I dug this from an 1851 yard. I thought at first it was a small animal shoe, but after cleaning it I think it is a heel plate.
I never found one this thick, about a 1/4'' thick

Some finds from last weeks hunt that I forgot to post

Thanks for looking!!!

Full Metal Digger
10-31-2021, 03:57 PM
Sorry I couldn't make it this weekend... Great bunch of finds. Looks like you found a piece of a spur (terminal) too!

wisconsin digger
10-31-2021, 06:43 PM
Looks like you guys had pretty good success. It's starting to get a little nippy out but I hope we have at least all of November in Cheeseland. Nice recoveries. WD

11-01-2021, 09:03 AM
Congrats Don and the gang. Glad you guys got on some goodies.

Tony Two-Cent
11-01-2021, 01:04 PM
It was a nice day even if the banner finds weren't popping. You were the silver champion. I didn't know you found that heel plate. That's a really cool find!

I really like that sportman's button and spur part too! :yes:

It is getting somewhat discouraging that so many yards have been previously hunted. Things have definitely gotten tougher in the past ten years.

11-01-2021, 02:25 PM
So many keepers! Is the thing to the right on last pic the thing Dave is talking about? Congrats on a nice outing!

11-01-2021, 03:17 PM
Very nice finds, and at least you got some silver out of the ground and a few relics. Things sure are getting tough. I haven't pulled a single silver yet this year. Keep up the good work!