View Full Version : Trime Time

Digger Don
10-24-2021, 04:17 AM
Saturday, I got out with Dave & Noah for a day of detecting. We started out at our "Button field". No coins for me, but I did find 3 more buttons for the collection.

Next, we hit a house that was on the 1875 map. It was pretty void of good signals until I got a 12-30 at about 8 inches. Trime Time!!


We finished the day at our new favorite Chinese restaurant.
Great day hunting with the guys!!

10-24-2021, 06:54 AM
WOW!! Great coin...and pictures!:clapping::congrats:
Huge congrats!

wisconsin digger
10-24-2021, 09:27 AM
WOW, and the coin is gorgeous. Never found a trime or 3 cent nickel coin. That coin is a hunt in itself, nothing else is needed. Huge congrats. I did find three wheaties yesterday, does that count. Nice job and thx for posting WD

Cheap Thrills
10-24-2021, 01:03 PM
Congrats on that beautiful Trime and your pictures are fantastic ! The light purple background on your coin shots is an excellent choice .

10-24-2021, 04:08 PM
That is one of the prettiest trimes I have ever seen! Stunner!

Full Metal Digger
10-24-2021, 05:53 PM
Congrats Don, glad I was there to hear you get all excited! 'IT'S A GOOD ONE!" That said it all my friend. Great looking coin and thanks for the invite. I had a blast. It was fun swinging the ole e-trac again and hearing her sweet tones in my ears.

Jeff (or)
10-25-2021, 12:42 AM
WOW! Excellent! 69688

The Rebel
10-25-2021, 05:54 AM
That's one beautiful trime, the detail is incredible!

Tony Two-Cent
10-25-2021, 02:03 PM
What a gorgeous trime, Don! I am green with jealousy! :envious:

That's one of the nicest dug trimes I have ever seen! Beautiful! And your photos really do it justice. :yes:


10-27-2021, 10:42 AM
Holy cow Don, that's probably the nicest looking trime I've seen dug. Congrats! :perfect10:

11-01-2021, 09:07 AM
I am floored at how nice this coin is. Super jealous!!!! Congrats Don! Well deserved. Proves that if you work hard at this hobby, good things will happen.