View Full Version : Sunday Door Knocking - Some Old Coins and Relics

Tony Two-Cent
04-26-2021, 02:37 PM
I got out with Digger Don and Digger Al yesterday for some door knocking in a town we'd never been to before. It was tough going, this town had been hit pretty hard by door knockers previously. Almost every person told us their yard had been detected before.

Nevertheless I ended up with a few keepers. Nothing too spectacular in the coin department, but I did find a few decent relics including the nicest heel plate I've ever found.

As always, it was great detecting with Don and Al even if the finds were sparse!


I found these coins with my "Clad-Trac". ;)


04-26-2021, 02:50 PM
I sure do miss seeing those beautifully patinaed midwest Indians you guys always find (I bet Dave misses finding them as well) , you still did well for previously detected yards Tony !

congrats !


Full Metal Digger
04-26-2021, 03:32 PM
Jeez Tony, that 1901 IHC has AMAZING patina and details. I can see the feathers so clearly. I don't think I have seen an oval shaped token before. That's pretty cool. The heel plate doesn't show any signs of wear. Maybe never even on a shoe? Thanks for sharing and happy digging, Dave.

04-27-2021, 05:47 AM
I agree about those IHs.
Seems unbelievable to me that of the 1000 homes in any given town you happen upon ones that have already been knocked upon. That's not a thing here....probs because New Englanders would see you coming up the walkway and cock a shot gun :lol:
I think I remember Don trying to door-knock in the Hartford area and saying how difficult it was.
I do it, but generally to hunt adjacent fields.
I love that heel guard! Your pics are stunning too!

wisconsin digger
04-27-2021, 07:16 AM
Nice finds Tony. I said earlier I miss not finding any relics this year. I'm guessing the numbers have me not digging some stuff with the Nox. I don't think I have found a single token this year. Congrats on the recoveries. WD

04-27-2021, 09:41 AM
Some pretty indians for sure. I found a heel plate this weekend as well but it has the octogon cut out version. Nice job as usual!