View Full Version : This here's a mighty fine day

09-18-2010, 01:39 PM
Got out for some dirt digging today... still trying to find the love with the E-trac (I miss my Sov!) Now I know none of these are show stoppers by any stretch but this here is my best silver day all year, no doubt. I wish I'd had the Sov with me so I could have checked the signals these might have given with it. The quarter sounded like absolutely nothing, I was SURE it was going to be a deep rusty nail. Sometimes I love being wrong. A few of the dimes sounded like hell, but the numbers looked good... I thought iffy targets would be the other way around? And finally, another target rang up around 12-26, sounded like a nickel but the numbers didn't make sense... I pulled a plug and dug up a '46 nickel, rescanned the hole and now it gave a sweet high tone, poked around some more and out came the '52 Rosie. Makes me wonder about all the 12-26 or thereabouts targets I haven't dug.

In addition to the sweet silver I dug about $6 worth of clad, two 1946 nickels, and nine wheats, but I don't have time to clean it all up and snap a pick of it all right now, and I'm too excited over the silver to wait until later! Few more days like this and I'm guessing I'll be loving the E-trac like it was a cold beer on a hot day!

Anyway, happy hunting!

09-18-2010, 02:03 PM
That's a super day Z!! :shocked04:

Sometimes I wonder if I pass up more silver than I dig? (At least the more difficult targets that aren't such a sure thing.)

I know for sure I missed plenty of silver coins with my 250. After squeaking about every semi good signal out of a yard with my 250, I have found 16 silver coins in the same yard with the Minelab.

Congrats on your finds!!

09-18-2010, 05:47 PM
Great silver z!!! Whatever love-hate relationship you're feeling with the E-Trac right now, you are pulling more silver consistently than you ever have. It is the start of great things; I think you will bond with the machine eventually. :)

Okay, so how deep was that quarter that it sounded like absolutely nothing? Can you describe that more, just out of curiosity? It could have been mixed with trash or other targets or on edge or just very deep. In a perfect situation a silver quarter sounds beautiful on the E-Trac, but I have learned that those targets have usually already been dug up, so it's the ones that are trickier that still remain.

09-18-2010, 05:50 PM
Great silver coins!

09-18-2010, 07:50 PM
You had an awesome day, Z! Congrats!

09-18-2010, 09:03 PM
Very nice....good job. You are obviously getting the hang of the new machine.

09-19-2010, 10:56 AM
Congratz Mr Z!! :clapping:

Jason in Enid
09-19-2010, 02:11 PM
That's a VERY good day!

Keep resisting that urge to run back to your old detector. I felt the same way. Once put enough hours behind the E-Trac, you will know it, be comfortable with it, and wouldn't give it up for anything!

I have found there are 3 types of coin signals.

There are solid number, solid tone
There are solid number broken tone
And there are solid tone, bouncy number.

If you have one of those 3, repeatable in the same spot, and pinpoints in the same spot, then dig it.

09-19-2010, 04:52 PM
Sounds like the honeymoon is over and you are now having cold feet lol Don't worry, it just means you are slowing falling in love with your machine :smitten: Keep finding silver like that and you won't even remember where you other machine is :confused: Great day of silver for you :beerbuddy:

09-19-2010, 08:32 PM
Okay, so how deep was that quarter that it sounded like absolutely nothing? Can you describe that more, just out of curiosity? It could have been mixed with trash or other targets or on edge or just very deep.

I wish I knew exactly, and I wish I'd had the Sov with me to see if it even gave a signal. It was deep, no doubt. I would say at least 6 not counting the 3 or so I lost due to very long grass. The tone was very brief, and there was a lot of nulling. The numbers stuck though. Maybe it was on edge? I pulled a big plug, and the signal was still in the hole. I scooped some dirt, still in the hole. Scooped some more dirt and the tone was now sweet and beautiful and I was tickled stinking pink to see a quarter! Only my second silver quarter all year. :grin:

Thanks for the comments all!

09-19-2010, 08:50 PM
Great silver coins!

09-20-2010, 07:36 AM
some nice silver right there! congrats! :beerbuddy:

09-20-2010, 08:58 AM
Nice digs! I'm having some issues too learning my Etrac, but you seem to be getting the hang of it.