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Full Metal Digger
07-27-2020, 03:27 PM
Hello friends,
I have been so busy with teleworking and staying cooped up in the house I haven't had much chance to go out detecting. I have gotten out the last couple Sundays and have a few finds to show you.

I found an old pen knife and a few days later when I was cleaning the crud off discovered it still had the scales on it! Usually they are long gone. I'm not sure what they are made of but they are a teal green color.

Got a real Napoleonic button! The 114th Line Infantry Brigade was formed on May 13th, 1808 and disbanded in 1814.

Also found a French Revolution button from 1792 in a plowed field. The fertilizers have not been kind to it but you can just make out the fasces and liberty cap in the center. Around the perimeter are REPUBLIQUE FRANCAIS

The 4th Regiment button also came out of the farmer's field. I'm guessing mid to late 1800's based upon the style and back mark

Imagine my surprise when I found a 1958 wheat cent and a BIG silver 1951 5 mark coin in the same hole (in the middle of the forest)! Probably dropped by an American soldier on maneuvers.

I got the usual assortment of rotted pfennigs all from the Imperial Germany era (1871 to 1918).

The pewter crucifix is probably late medieval to early 1700's--it's hard to know for sure.

My last good find was an 3 Kreuzer dated 1810. It's about the size of a dime but paper thin of course. It was minted in the Grand Duchy of Baden.

Tony Two-Cent
07-27-2020, 04:31 PM
We missed you, Dave! I was just wondering this morning why we hadn't seen a post from you in a while.

I love all of those finds! What are the "scales" made out of of that pen knife?

Pretty funny finding a wheat cent over there. The silver coin that was with it is huge! Nice!

I really like that 1810 Kreuzer. What a cool little coin.

Congrats on the great finds, and for adding some feathers to your collection! :clapping:

Donnie B
07-30-2020, 07:07 AM
Wonderful buttons!

07-30-2020, 08:12 AM
Great to hear from you again, Dave! A small museum of finds to add to your large collection.
A wheat penny :lol:. A German detectorist would maybe appreciate finding a wheat penny for the history, but you? :lol:
Wonderful pieces, Dave!

Lodge Scent
07-31-2020, 07:15 AM
Very nice Dave. Looks just like the stuff I find. Only yours are older, nicer, better! I have found turkey feathers that are better than yours however. :envious:

wisconsin digger
08-08-2020, 06:43 PM
Great recoveries, especially the big silver. Congrats WD