View Full Version : A months worth of finds and a fake that fooled me...

08-19-2019, 12:33 PM
I did not detect very much in July and early August due to the lack of rain in my area but I managed some "new" silver coins. The one exception to the new silvers is a Capped Bust dime I already posted about...still pretty excited about it even though it is nearly slick.


Also found a really nice 1900 Indian that was dropped new.


The story of the fake that fooled me... So about 3-4 weeks ago my Mom texted me and said she found this coin at the site where last year my family and I found the 40 buttons all related to the War of 1812. I was dumbfounded. The first pics she sent me were blurry I think due to her using Samsung and I having an iPhone. Later she emailed me a few pics that were a little better and I posted these on this forum. I was pretty excited and I believed my mom (who does not believe their Mom right?). However Del pointed out a few things that were "off" and I realized he was right so I asked Tony to pull the post until I could confirm it one way or the other. This past week I was up at our cottage with my family and handled coin and it is obvious that its fake. It is supposed to be a Draped Bust silver Dollar but it is the exact same size as a Morgan and it should be a couple mm bigger. I scratched the side of it and revealed copper...so it is a silver plated pc of copper from China. There are a number of other things wrong with it too including the mirror like finish on it.


My Mom insists that she dug it at the site so that means that someone planted it as a joke or my Mom is joking with me. There are 2 other people who know about this site so maybe they did it? All I know is that for a day I thought that one of my kids college was paid for (well maybe a years worth anyways).

My family and I had another great week up there this past week with a bunch of buttons and even some Native American copper artifacts that I hope to post by tomorrow.

Thanks for looking! Jared

wisconsin digger
08-19-2019, 06:43 PM
I know the dry days of July and August. Just getting out is a challenge. You are becoming the war nickel master. Should have a set by now. Congrats on all the finds. that Indian is exceptional. WD

Cheap Thrills
08-20-2019, 07:35 AM
Wow !

08-23-2019, 04:58 AM
nice tally of silvers Bucknut and huge congrats on the capped bust ( wouldn't matter to me how slick it is ) its still a great coin to find :clapping:. The 1900 indian is quite a looker :shocked03::wow: always great to find them in that shape . I was regretting to give you the bad news on the silver dollar copy (but i'm a always wanting the truth kind of guy no matter the pain it may bring :yes:) , there are a few reasons the coin could have been there though but I appreciate you filling us in and setting the story straight sir . If nothing else its a great conversation starter !


08-23-2019, 09:37 AM
Love the 1900 Indian. Wow is that crisp. Sweet finds. I haven't out much at all since July/August either.