View Full Version : Flying Eagle, LC and 10 silvers for May

05-31-2019, 12:48 PM
A very nice detecting month for me. I found another Flying Eagle at the same place I got one the month before. It is pretty cruddy but I will take it. Managed 2 completely toasted Indians that same hunt.


My silvers for the month...


My favorite find of the month was the 1823 LC I found a couple nights ago. It has been 3 years since I last found one and this one is a good. Well they are all good in my opinion but the 1823 is a rare date. Came at a spot I have hunted a 100 times and dug a penny signal that was showing 2 inches down but it was 4-5 inches and out popped a big coin. It was a fun rush. I probably have skipped that signal 10 times thinking it was just a shallow penny.


A few cool relics including an interesting buckle thing. It looks very old but I am thinking late 1800's to early 1900's. The metal is very thin which makes me think it is not too old. What are your thoughts? There is a pin that is dated 1915 and states Playground and Recreation Association of America on the back of it.


Thanks for looking! Jared

Full Metal Digger
05-31-2019, 02:11 PM
Congrats on the great finds and your second FEC! I have not found one before so you are doing better than me. Glad you finally dug that large cent too! Sometimes I want to skip signals but then I tell myself I came here to dig signals, not skip them! Happy digging, Dave.

Donnie B
05-31-2019, 03:36 PM
Great finds! I don't think I have seen many 1823's dug.

BTV Digger
05-31-2019, 08:19 PM
Great month Jared! The rush digging the big coppers - it never gets old does it? I did 'em all the time and it certainly doesn't get old for me either.


wisconsin digger
06-01-2019, 01:05 PM
A good month indeed. That's a lot of old coins. That is a year I need for my Large Cent set, just saying. Congrats on all the nice finds. Never found a flying Eagle cent. WD

06-01-2019, 04:49 PM
Great finds Jared! Yeah, when you're in an area with stuff like that, you gotta dig it all. That suspender buckle is cool too, dont see that style often. Nice collection of silver too. Off to a great start this year!

Digger Don
06-02-2019, 10:16 AM
Another great month of finds Jared. The flying eagle still eludes me, Maybe someday!
That 1823 is a great find, Congrats.
And as usual, I see you're still digging the old nickels! :thumbsup01:

The Rebel
06-02-2019, 05:24 PM
Great hunt! WTG on the LC!