View Full Version : First Big Silver of 2019!

Digger Don
05-28-2019, 06:51 PM
So Saturday Noah and I drove a couple hours west to avoid all the rain. When we got there we thought we were going to have a great day. Lots of very old houses and lots of yeses.
Unfortunately, every and I mean Every house had been hunted before!! My first signal of the day was a silver ring. That was it. the next 7 hours nothing but clad and wheats, at least one of the wheats was a 24-D. Semi key date I think.
Driving home I'm thinking it might be time for a break. 2019 has sucked thus far.

So Sunday afternoon I get a call from Noah "Hey,you want go out for a couple of hours?" So much for taking a break, I said sure!
We only had time for a couple of houses, one of which was good to both of us. I dug an 1891 Indian and a 1936-D walker.

05-28-2019, 06:58 PM
Your bad days are NEVER that bad. Great job on the Walker!

wisconsin digger
05-28-2019, 08:41 PM
Congrats on the big silver. you guys had a great weekend. WD

The Rebel
05-29-2019, 11:27 AM
Nice saves. That ring is cool!

Tony Two-Cent
05-29-2019, 11:36 AM
The Half Dollar King is back! :clapping:

Don't get discouraged, Don. That next honey hole is just around the corner. Maybe this Walker is the spark you need.

I really like that token too. I see that Wood & Shugart is mentioned in this 1909 annual report of the Illinois State Food Commission under the list of creameries and cheese factories.


Congrats on the finds!


05-29-2019, 02:59 PM
Yeah you might be having a "bad" year compared to some of your other years but you always seem to get on a hot stretch of hunts. It could be "worse" and you could be like me with half of your silvers being war nicks.

Congrats on the big silver!

05-30-2019, 06:25 PM
Some nice find real nice ring

BTV Digger
05-31-2019, 08:13 PM
...and there you go...back on the big silver again! Knew it wouldn't take you too long to start again for 2019!
