View Full Version : Wheatie weekend

wisconsin digger
04-21-2019, 10:22 AM
I did do a little homework last fall and found an area with photos back to the late 30's. I stopped here on my way upnorth on Friday and was not overly enthused when I saw the layout, my first signal was a wheatie though. After a couple of hours and no more battery power I had 10 total Wheaties and a couple of Rosies. After getting some work done I stopped again late afternoon Saturday and put a bit more time in with a fully charged detector. After about 3 hours I knew I had a lot but I was surprised to see I had 31 Wheaties. Can't ever remember finding that many. Best one was a 31 "D". I also located 3 Mercs and a real nice 14 "D" Barber Dime and 1 War Nickel. It seems obvious this place was probably cherry picked but there was still a lot of penny and dime signals. What is amazing about this place is hardly any coins are more that 2-3 inches under the ground. One Rosie I found was maybe a 1'2" under the surface. The other photo is last Sundays hunt with 5 silver including the first Washington of the year. Looks like Summer is finally showing up. Wisconsin Digger

wisconsin digger
05-08-2019, 09:02 AM
Needed a few more Wheaties to hit my goal of 3000 so I hit this park again. I was able to find 30 more which gives me 71 Wheaties in 3 hunts plus 10 silver. Don't find many places like this any more. WD

05-08-2019, 09:28 AM
Wow that is a great place that you have found! It seems to me that if it was cherry picked then they did a terrible job....but that is good news for you.

Your wheat to silver ratio is really good...3 to 1 or a bit better! I am about 5 to 1. I have found in 7 years just under 800 silvers and about 3800 Wheaties.

wisconsin digger
05-09-2019, 07:01 PM
As far as hunted before I just am amazed that with all the wheats and 10 silver dimes I have not found a single silver quarter. That just seems odd to me and would indicate some previous detectors have been there, but your right that is a lot of signals and coins to be an area that was cherry picked. Maybe next hunt the bigger silver will show up. WD The ratio at this park is certainly higher than 3 to 1

Full Metal Digger
05-10-2019, 09:47 AM
Don't know how I missed this post but Dang! That's a bunch of coins and silvers! Well done!

Tony Two-Cent
05-10-2019, 10:06 AM
What an amazing quantity of coins! It's nice to know there are still parks like this out there in this day and age. Congrats on the silver coins and jewelry, and the wheaties too!


Digger Don
05-12-2019, 07:43 AM
All I can say is :wow:. What an amazing couple of hunts.