View Full Version : Slim Pickings but managed one silver coin

Full Metal Digger
03-20-2019, 09:43 AM
It was cold and windy and raining but I went detecting anyway. We hunted a new section of woods but finds were few and far between. I got the only good find of the day, a 3 Kreuzer dated 1823 minted in the Duchy of Nassau. Thanks for looking and happy hunting, Dave.

03-20-2019, 10:02 AM
Great looking silver! Definitely worth braving the elements. :thumbsup01:

Tony Two-Cent
03-20-2019, 10:08 AM
Doesn't look like slim pickings to me! If we found a silver coin from 1823 here in the States we would be doing back flips! It's a beauty, Dave. It's interesting that a coin that is only 28% silver still shines up nicely like that.


Full Metal Digger
03-20-2019, 10:24 AM
It's interesting that a coin that is only 28% silver still shines up nicely like that.

Yeah, they come out of the ground black as can be and you have to boil them in a mix of olive oil and lemon juice to get it off. The low silver content is common for that era. That's why the front of the coin says "SCHEID MUNZ." It translates to "Sheath money" and means the face value is greater than the silver content. BTW, I really like your new avatar!

Digger Don
03-20-2019, 01:49 PM
Even on a "Slim Pickings" kind of day, you still kill it with an 1800s silver:wow:

03-21-2019, 04:55 AM
Only 28% silver :shocked04: !! That's counts less than a war nickel Dave ..... you need to try harder ! :rofl: I kid of course , congrats on the 196 year old coin .


The Rebel
03-21-2019, 04:27 PM
Beautiful silver!

04-02-2019, 02:11 PM
Not hammered?....psshhh hoo hummm. Did you even keep it?.. or is it in your recycle bin? :lol::poke:
...and I notice an 1840s coin that doesn't even get a mention :lol:
I wish you continued success for the rest of your trip, Dave!