View Full Version : todays finds

dave in iowa
09-09-2010, 04:23 PM
Got out wiht joe kress (JKress) great guy , we had a good time i ended up with 60 coins , i new dollar coin, a silver ring , it was flattened , ,stopped at another place after we parted , joe , i got the silver we didnt find at the park, got a 41 merc .and all together 8 wheats great time, also a pic of another wooden match holder i got the other day , very ornate , but flattened also, appears to be pretty old

09-09-2010, 06:59 PM
Good stuff!! Definitely a good time out hunting with you. Congrats on the ring and Merc!

Some guys just have the magic touch.... We started off hunting an older city park right down town adjacent to an old mansion converted into a funeral home many years ago. Before I knew it, Dave comes up and says I just talked to the guy and we can hunt the funeral home grounds.... amazing.

Unfortunately neither of us could pull a silver coin. We got plenty of wheats, but no silver coins. :thinkingabout:

I'm still trying to find some info on the military badge I found. Posted it over in the relics section.

Next hunt we go on... nobody leaves until we find a silver coin!!

dave in iowa
09-09-2010, 07:14 PM
Im with you Joe, that military thing you found it very cool artilery pc i think

09-09-2010, 07:40 PM
Good hunt there, Dave. I think Joe is going to make you work harder for more silver the next time out. lol

09-09-2010, 08:33 PM
Great finds. I enjoy your posts so much, being an Iowa girl. :)

09-09-2010, 09:03 PM
wtg a ring is still a ring and silver even helps more :clapping: :clapping:

09-09-2010, 09:06 PM
Glad to see you two had a chance to get together. :clapping: A good looking hunt, but that Van Buren is a scarry looking guy lol The ring is very salvageable and the Merc is in sweet condition. Before I found a match stick case, I never, ever seen one. Now I see them a lot. Yours is very ornate. Some are just plain Jane's, but that one is a nice one. Great hunt guys.