View Full Version : Tiny hunted out park not so hunted out

08-20-2018, 09:21 AM
6487164872On my way home from the golf course on the 1st truly comfortable day to detect in a long time I decided to spend a few hours at a small (and I mean tiny) veteran's park on the way home. The park has a few war monuments on it and is probably 100' x 100' in size and is in the middle of town, so truly pounded. The sign said it was established in 1946. I found a 1939 Washington last year and rehunted it a few times and besides a few wheats found nothing else worthwhile. So I hunted it again, but this time used the "high trash" program on the V3i that was so successful at the golf course in the spring and really went slow. I was happy when the 1st Merc showed up so I gridded the surrounding 20' x 20' area and got the rest of the goodies. When I first got there I was detecting for no more than 5 minutes when a fellow detector pulled over and we talked for about 20 minutes about detecting and I mentioned that I was here to kill some time and probably wouldn't find much. Of course he mentioned that no place is ever hunted out and I had to agree with him. He left and my first signal was the Merc. So I guess he was right lol. And I guess a return trip is in order.

08-20-2018, 09:47 AM
Congrats on tearing up that "hunted out" area! While its usually true that no place is completely hunted out, I did one lot that gave up a lot of goodies over great deal of time. But eventually even using my PI machine that can hit on a pin head at 2 feet wouldn't so much as peep any more! Lol

Full Metal Digger
08-20-2018, 12:35 PM
Wow, congrats on pulling more silvers than wheaties! It takes great skill to find those coins amongst the trash in heavily hunted areas. It just shows what a good detectorist can do when he's got skills. Best wishes and HH, Dave.

Lodge Scent
08-20-2018, 02:58 PM
Good work! Yep, never hunted out. Just need to work harder and smarter at pounded sites.

Ill Digger
08-20-2018, 08:46 PM
In order, indeed!! :yes:
Way to sniff out a few shinny ones from there Mike!
Congrats! :grin:

08-21-2018, 01:11 PM
Nice hunting Mike. I have found in the hi-trash program you have to go real slow. That program will lock on any good target. Yup...ya gotta go back....:thumbsup02:

08-22-2018, 09:04 PM
Looks like you had a good day

wisconsin digger
08-24-2018, 09:58 AM
Congrats on the finds. My whole season has been hitting these types of parks. It is very satisfying finding afew in a place that has been hunted a lot. Congrats WD

08-24-2018, 11:07 AM
Congrats on the finds. My whole season has been hitting these types of parks. It is very satisfying finding afew in a place that has been hunted a lot. Congrats WD
I could not agree more. Plus we have no choice lol