View Full Version : 6 more silvers

04-10-2018, 10:37 AM
The last week or so the weather here is SE Michigan has been colder and snowier than normal but I have managed to do quite well. I am fast becoming comfortable with the Equinox ... in fact I have not swung my Etrac since the Equinox arrived. I never thought that day would ever come.

So a couple Saturdays ago I visited an old park where I did quite well in a certain section over the last 6 years. I was simple enjoying the day and just seeing what the Equinox might find that I missed with my Etrac. Again I have been over this particular area many times including gridding it in the past. I got a clear, shallow quarter signal and out came a 1934 Washington. Then 10 ft away I got a clear deep penny signal that ended up being a 1944 Mercury. I was thrilled!


A few days later I visited an old park where I have done well at in the past. Again I just decided to enjoy the day and see what deep signals I could find that the Etrac missed. In about an hours time I had an 1891 indian and 3 Washington quarters! 1940, 1943 and 1944. All were clear signals that no one would dare not dig. So again I was thrilled.


I went back there this past Saturday and found the silver chain and the beautiful 1915 D Buff. Most get heavily corroded but this one stayed relatively pretty in the sandy soil.


The other items I found here and there on my lunch breaks.


I am really starting to enjoy the Equinox. Navigating the menu is becoming second nature to me. I think I only understand 20% of its features but in reality all I need to do is listen and trust it. And so far the results speak for themselves.

Thanks for looking. Jared

Full Metal Digger
04-10-2018, 11:59 AM
Dang Jared, you are killing it on silver quarters! The 1915 buffalo is definitely "sponge worthy!" The bracelet has interesting links. I've never seen that style before. Congrats and HH, Dave. p.s. sweet marble!

Tony Two-Cent
04-10-2018, 12:08 PM
You are definitely becoming one with the Equinox! Look at all that silver, and so many quarters! :shocked04:

That 1915-D Buffalo Nickel is really sharp AND it's a semi-key date as well! It guides for $20 in Good condition.


04-10-2018, 12:42 PM
You are definitely becoming one with the Equinox! Look at all that silver, and so many quarters! :shocked04:

That 1915-D Buffalo Nickel is really sharp AND it's a semi-key date as well! It guides for $20 in Good condition.


Yeah the Buff if not for the environmental damage would be a $50 to $100 coin depending on the grade F20-F40. Im not sure exactly where it would grade though.

Last year I found a lot of silver but only 6 quarters...so far this year I have already found 6 quarters. Go figure?

04-10-2018, 12:51 PM
So let me guess.....you're very happy with the Equinox...:lol:. Some great hunting and it looks like all your old hunting spots will become new spots. Excellent hunting...:thumbsup02:

04-10-2018, 04:37 PM
Wonderful, Jared! How was your EQX set up? I'm using Park2 a lot!

Cheap Thrills
04-10-2018, 05:13 PM
Wow , Amazing , super congrats !!

Digger Don
04-10-2018, 05:16 PM
Great job with the new machine. Seems to be a silver magnet!
How deep where those quarters?

04-10-2018, 07:30 PM
I'm glad the new machine is working out so well for you. Big congrats on all that silver! The bracelet design looks like 1940s art deco.

04-10-2018, 08:26 PM
Great job with the new machine. Seems to be a silver magnet!
How deep where those quarters?

The 1934 was just 2-3 inches deep. The others were 5-8 inches.

04-10-2018, 08:38 PM
Wonderful, Jared! How was your EQX set up? I'm using Park2 a lot!

I have been using Park 2 a lot lately too. I do a ground balance and noise cancel first. My sensitivity is at 22 or 23. Recovery speed is at 3, Iron bias at 0. I think that's it. I try to swing slow and low in the trashy areas so that I can hear the deep signals. I discriminate everything except nickels 12/13 and then 19 and up. That is my hunted out park set up.

04-11-2018, 08:19 AM
Dang Jared, you are killing it - good saves!

Fire Fighter 43
04-15-2018, 12:55 PM
Congrats on some nice hunts. Good to see the Equinox is working out well for you. I’m starting to do better with it each time I get out. It sure loves the low conductors, i.e. Nickels. Now if I can just get this Wisconsin weather to cooperate.